4 (Just Some Lass He Met in Toilets)

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"Oh, hiya Alex" she was clearly embarrassed when she said this, he smile wasn't hiding it at all well. "Sorry, didn't mean to anoy you or owt" I said with a concerned look.

"No, it's fine, I'm not anoyed but that prick over there was doin' my head in. Sorry, I'm Emily" she said with her hand out infront of her. Next I lied, slightly, "I know, I remember" so maybe I didn't totally remember but, I knew it was something like that.  I'm glad I did say it though because it had caused her smile to widen and what a beautiful smile it was. 

In response, I shook her hand "Alex" 

"I know, I remember" she answered, quite clearly copying me causing us both to have a small laugh. "I best leave anyway, the four of you played really good. I really enjoyed myself so thank you". 

At our small preformances it's normally us saying thank you to the audience, knowing someone actually anjoyed our music and was thankful for it made me very happy. "You're very welcome but, you sure you won't stay? There's another small band on next, I heard them practising and they aren't half bad yano" of corse I wanted her to stay, she seemed like a fun genuine girl. I even loved what she was wearing: tight black leggins but they laced up at the sides, a black bandeau top with something on it, a cammel coloured jacket paired with some vans. "Sounds good, but I've got to get off sorry mate, maybe I'll come the next time you play" she tucked her hair behind her ear and looked directly at me. I nodded my head to indicate that it would be good, apparently that was the end of our conversation because Emily turned around and headed down the street with the door shutting in my face. 

Walking back over to the lads, they all gave me a strange look "What's up with you lot?" I scratched the back of my head in confusion. "Who was that?" Matt asked.

"Just some lass I met in toilets" I answered casually but Nick and Jamie both laughed at this "What, you plonkers?".

"You just seemed very interested in 'some lass you met in toilets'" Nick said raising an eyebrow. 

"Alreyt, there was a man who looked a bit too keen so I thought I'd help her out a bit, turns out she reyt didn't need it" I chuckled remembering the incident and her responses. The lads all nodded their heads in unison with huge grins on their faces. "Alreyt shurrup now" I shook my head. 

"Dint even say owt" Jamie replied.



Hello! I SAW THE MONKEYS LIVE!! It was absolutley an amazing experience and honestly (if i could afford it) I would have payed double the money. As much as I love the new album, it is even better live. The atmosphere was just great.

Another short chapter, I'm sorry, I just write each chapter all at once and I don't plan them before I start writing (I probably should ahah) so it's hard to write lots. 

Persoanlly, I like reading small chapters so I think that is another reason i gravitate towards them, sorry to those of you who like legnthy meaty ones. 

Thank you to anyone reading xx

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