11 (Well, are you out Tonight?)

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Having no idea how many drinks I have had so far, I downed another... and then another and popped my phone back in my pocket. Some people in here would probably decribe me as pissed up, but I'm not that bad. Honestly I am just enjoying myself, not crime in that is there? Who ever doesn't like it can piss off because I don't care at this point. All us lads had huge smiles on our faces, we all went along with the music and sang along. Well we sang whilst Jamie deafened us all, not to be horrible but, I do think his singing is a bit tragic. 

All of a sudden, a really stunning girl caught my eye. She was wearing ankle boots with knee high socks, which confused me. It's not typical night club wear to be honest. As well as that, she had on a black, flowy skirt and a maroon top tucked into it. Her hair was down and curly and make up kept little, her simplicity had me amazed. Gorgeous. 

I worked up the courage to walk over to her and no words were even exchanged really, we just danced and danced more. Her beautiful smile had me hooked. I couldn't look anywhere else, not even if I tried, I would have had to rip my eyes off her. 

With our bodies closer together, I looked down to her with a smile and closing the space between our lips. My lips moved with her soft lips. She started to use her tounge causing the kiss to become more intense, especially when I used mine too. 


Very small chapter, even for me, I know and sorry about that. I just needed it as a filler chapter. 

Also, I put on a random Arctic Monkeys playlist whilst writing this so if there are any mistakes it's probably because I got distracted singing ahaha. 

Double also, the time gap between the first and second paragraph is supposed to be a lot bigger than what it seems.

Thank you to anyone reading xx

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