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(WARNING - smut. If you are a reader that doesn't like sexual scenes PLEASE SKIP THIS CHAPTER)


Knocking on the door three times, I continued to wonder why she didn't want to come round to mine and instead me go there. 

"You can come in, it's unlocked." Emily said. I opened the door and walked into Em's little place "Emily where abouts are you?" I wondered.

"I'm in the living room." She answered. I walked in and was confused as to why she was sat in complete darkness "Erm, Em why's the light off?" I questioned.

"It's okay, Alex, you can turn it on." 

I flicked the switch on keen to see what she was hiding, my eyes instantly widened. "I want to show you I'm sorry for assumin' things, I should have just asked you." Emily wasn't wearing much. She had on black lace lingerie whilst her curly hair fell past her shoulders. Fuck, she looked beautiful. "Em, you don't have to do this if you don't want to. You don't 'ave to make anything up to me, please know that." I tried to assure her. She shushed me in reply 

"That's not exactly why im doing this." She stood up and began to walk over to me "I want you. I want you again." 

I ripped my jacket off and walked over to her.


Alex ripped his jacket off and walked over to me, just as I did him. When the space between us almost became unexistant, he looked down at me with his eyes focused on my lips. He made it clear he wanted me too. All space dissapeared when he kissed me softly. The kiss stayed soft for a while but, the roughness began to increase. He took my hand leading me over to the bed room, almost like it was him who was showing me the way. As soon as we both got there I pushed him down on the bed, which caused him to have a smile on his face, whilst I had a smirk plastered across my own. I wasn't sure what I was showing him right now. A look of lust? A look of love? I just hope he knows how I feel. 

I crawled on top of him and kissed him like I'd never have before. The kiss intensified. He stripped his clothes off as well as taking off my bra. Alex flipped me over, so he was then on top, and his kiss moved down my body. He kissed my neck, my chest, my stomarch and when he got to the line of my black lace he pulled it off so we were both naked . His tongue slid down onto my clit and he did something, something that felt amazing. I continued to get wetter and wetter as his tongue continued to work on me. Suddenly, I felt his finger slide into me. Here my breathing got heavier. 

After, we both couldn't wait any longer. He spread my legs further apart and asked me something "Are you completely sure you want this?" I smiled at him checking. 

"Completley." With hearing my answer he nodded and slid himself inside of me. He was so big. Even tough I had never been turned on like this before and it wasn't our first night together, it hadn't felt like this before. I let out a moan and he placed his hand on mine, not to pin me down, to hold it. Alex slowly pumped in and out of me repeatedly which influenced our breathing greatly. The actions got faster and our breathing got heavier.  

Later, I was really close to finishing but was nervous Alex wasn't. I'd said earlier that I would make it up to him and so far he's been pleasing me. "Al?" I said softly.

"Yes Em?" He replied in the same tone.

"You close?"


I smiled at his answer, more at the fact that I was gratful it wasn't just me. My legs had been firmly wrapped around him the whole time, however I was reaching my climax, and once it hit, they began to slightly shake. Alex pulled out and let out his huge load. 

We both layed on the bed panting whilst  also having smiles across our faces. Alex snuggled up next to me and placed a kiss on my lips "I think I'm gunna fall in love with you, Emily. And before you say anything..." he chuckles "...no I'm not just sayin' it in the moment, I've been thinking it since the day we met." I was so shocked, I had no idea at all that he felt like this. How could I? All I knew was that "I've never felt anything for anyone like I do for you, Alex Turner."


Well well well. I can tell you I wasn't expecting to write like that in this chapter ahah. Please tell me if you hate or like this style of chapter as I will know wheather or not to include another. 

I'm sorry to those who won't have liked it, that's why there's a warning, I was going to get more detailed but I thought I'd spare some of it hahaha. 

As always,

Thank you to anyone reading xx

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