5 (Got This in a Small?)

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I opened my eyes and just stared at the ceiling blankly, boring I know, I had that song stuck so deeply in my head. Arctic Monkeys were amazing, I've never heard music that good before. Yes I have songs that I love, but I have never had a song so good that all I couldn't get it put of my mind. The words, the music, the vibe in the room, an amazing experience.

Deciding I should probably stop being lazy, I dragged myself out of bed. I got in the shower, slowly proving that I had near enough zero effort. The water ran down my back and eventually reached the bath itself causing a noise. "Fake tales of..." I smiled when I realised what I was actually singing, the great song I heard last night. 

Finishing in the shower and brushing my teeth, I made my way back to my bedroom. I curled my hair so the curls where loose and natural looking, but good enough to see I had made a little effort at least. My hair is naturally curly but I ruined it badly with the straighteners, something I regret regularly. My wardrobe door was open, ready for me to take a look inside. I spotted my black jeans and a crop mustard off shoulder jumper that I decided to throw on. "Shit!" I shouted realising I have work. Looking at the time, I saw that I was already half an hour late.

My job is simple really, I work in a clothes/ shoe shop in town. Simple I know, but it's only until I finish studying. To be honest it's quite enjoyable sometimes. Also I like the fact it's in town. I go to the winter gardens to just be calm and breathe sometimes. Sometimes I go to the resurants. Other times I just walk. 

Getting off the bus, I ran to the shop quickly "You're an hour late Emily." the manger said shaking her head at me. "I know I know and I'm really sorry, it won't happen again I proimse." I answered in a very apologetic tone. I popped to the back to put on my lanyard, to show I work there, on and shove my bag in the back. My managers head peared through the door "Emily hurry up there are customers". I smiled and nodded, "the shop is small like how many people can there be" I thought whilst rolling my eyes.

Promptly, I went back to the shop floor with a smile on my face- only for the good customer service of corse. "Excuse me, do you do this in a erm medium?" a poliet voice said. I turned around to face them "Let me just have a look for you" I said with that 'for the customer' smile plastered on my face. Searching the shop, I found the man a medium as he had asked for "There you go Sir." "I'm sorry but have we met before? It's just that you look really familiar" I asked. He shook his head subtially "No sorry I don't think so" he replied. I know I have seen him before, I just have absolutley no idea where from... until it came to me. "You don't know me, but I do know you! Are you the drummer from Arctic Monkeys?" I wondered certain he was. He let out a small laugh "I am." Knew it! 

"I was there when you all played Fake Tales of San Francisco last night, the four of you are really good" I smiled, but this time with my actual smile, not just with the customer one. 

The door bell rang causing me to turn to the door. Looking at the now open door I saw the rest of the Monkeys stroll in the shop, surprisingly, Alex was at the back. He seems like the shy type, however I'm not at all the best judge of character. 

"Emily? I didn't know you worked here." Alex said raising an eyebrow at me.

"Well you do now." I responded shrugging my shoulders. "Oh yeah, I'm Emliy" I said smiling at the other three band members. They all responded telling me their names with a small smile of their own. "Nice seeing you all, but I'd better get back to work." I saw Alex quickly pick up the closest thing to him when I said this "Wait, Emily, got this in a small?"

"Alex hun?" I said rather blandly.

"Yeah?" he said fiddling with the coat hanger a little.

"You're holding a small." I let out a small laugh and shook my head a little before walking away to tidy a clothes rack over in the womens section. 



Okay okay okay, I am extreamly sorry. I know I am usually terrible at updating within good time, but I understand this update gap is ridiculous. 

As always I didn't have this chapter planned so apologies for the messiness. Also, I am aware that this chapter is a little boring so I am sorry for that also.

I hope that everyone had a good Halloween and good Bonfire Night as well. 

Thank you to anyone reading xx

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