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Finally, my shift had come to an end. I don't hate my job, I just take a disliking to it, I don't feel like I fit in there. The place its self is incredible. I love the products and we sell vinyl so that's an added bonus for me. It's just the manager. UGH! The manger is awful. They hate me my manger and supervisor do. I understand that I'm late a lot, there is no excuse for that, however they treated me differently then the rest from the day I started. 

My face was scrunched up in annoyance at these thoughts whilst  I was walking to the bus stop. "Oi, Em! What's up with your face?" I heard a freindly voice shout. 

"Hey Matt, what you doing in town?" I asked.

"Nothing special, just taking pictures and stuff" 

"Photographer and Drummer, thats a bloody good CV." we laughed. I took a seat at the bus stop and Matt took the one next to me. "You catching the us too?" I questioned him. 

"What? Oh, i'll just wait with you until yours comes" he smiled.

"Why thanks, you don't have to tho. I'm a big girl you see."

"I've got nothing better to do, may as well kill a bit of time." he shrugged.

"Fair enough." I responded "Does Alex ever talk about me? I know it's a bit weird for me to be asking"

"Yeah, sometimes. Why?" Matt raised an eyebrow.

"Because I don't usually like people that much and, I know we are together and everything, I just wanted to know if he likes me like I do him."

"Yes, Emily, he likes you a lot." He rolls his eyes causing me to frown. I imedietly stopped talking here, I didn;t want to upset or annoy Matt anymore then I clearly had. I wonder what about what I said annoyed him? He peobably doesn't like relationship talk. Who knows huh? 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2019 ⏰

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