13 (Leave Before the Lights Come On)

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Honestly, I myself wasn't too sure of what i wanted me and Alex to be. I didn't know if this should stay a one time thing or if being together would be good for the both of us. 

My thoughts got interupted by Alex "No it's not that I wouldn't be excited to be with you, it's that I want what you want". Well isn't that great... I have no idea what I'd like and it's me that gets to do the decision making "Lovley." I gave a simple answer. 

"Em, do you want to be my girlfriend?" Alex asked

"Is that you asking me out of wonder or because you'd like me to be?" I rassied an eyebrow, honestly unsure.

"Because I'd like you to be". At this point he was standing infront of me with very little space between the two of us. "Then yes" I smiled at him as he looked down at me. He then closed his eyes and i saw him come closer to me, I closed the space with a kiss. 

After the simple, yet lovely, kiss he took my hand and had a large smile on his face "good". 


"So this is one I wrote a while ago. It's called Leave Before the Lights Come On" Alex told the audience. 

I was really excited for this one, I haven't heard the band play in what feels like ages. Missed it a bit. 

"Well, this is a good idea

He wouldn't do it if it wasn't

He wouldn't do it if it wasn't one" 

Everyone danced but everyone seemed very interested in the words already, I know I did very much so. 

"And they woke up together not

quite realising how

Awkwardly stretching and yawning

It's always hard in the morning

And I suppose that's the price you pay

Well, oh, it isn't what it was

She's thinking he looks different today

And there's nothing left to

guess now" 

Is this? Wait. I was thinking about what the song was about and to me if defienetly seems like a one night stand or something. I didn't tell the boys I was coming tonight, I just showed up, and none of them have seen me yet I dont think. Me and Alex have just had sex. 

"Well, quick, lets leave before the

lights come on

'Cause then you don't have to see

"Cause then you don't have to see

what you've done" 

What the fuck? This one better not be about me I swear to God I will rip his head off. I thought he enjoyed our night, why would he ask me to be his girlfriend if not? Anger rose up inside me. I was fuming, so I turned around and headed for the exit. Knowing sadly you wouldn't be able to hear it, I slammed the door hard behind 


Belive it or not I had every intention of writing this ne as a happy chapter. Things change ahah.

Sorry this took me so long, been a busy bee. 

Thank you to anyone reading xx

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