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Yoo Youngjae had no idea about all of this.

He spent the afternoon listening to music and drinking the wine he had bought earlier.

It was around 11:30 when he opened his laptop and decided it was time to upload the new chapter of the story he was writing. He had finished it earlier, at school on a piece of paper, now he just needed to copy it. 

Writing stories was the only way for him to positively get away from reality. The only way that didn't hurt him. 

As a writer, he was anonymous. He could write whatever he wanted. He even had a few fans, people who seemed to love his stories and were always excited to see him upload a new chapter. He was happy that he could make people a bit happier, but he never got in touch with any other people on the site, no messages, just barely answering comments, because he was scared of anyone he knew in real life finding out what he did. He could easily imagine the consequences of someone at school finding out about his stories and he wanted to avoid that at all cost. 

When they had taken the paper from him the other day, he had felt like he was about to die. Yes, he was thankful that Daehyun had saved him, but still, he did not want to get in any kind of contact with that guy.  

The boy took his bag and opened the small pocket on the front, where he used to keep the papers for his stories and a few other small things. 

But the piece of paper wasn't there. 

First, he was confused. He checked the pocket again, emptying it completely. 

No paper. 

He felt how the fear slowly started creeping through his veins. He opened every pocket of his bag, turned it around and everything fell on the floor. 

Still, he could not see the story anywhere. 

Now, he started to panic. He couldn't have lost it. 

Youngjae knelt down and hastily searched through all of the stuff on the ground. He checked his folder, books, the pencilcase, everything, but the paper was nowhere to be found. 

"No, please don't tell me..." he whispered to himself, voice shaking. This couldn't be. It couldn't be gone. 

He leaned back against his bed, sitting on the floor, closing his eyes, and took a deep breath. 

'It's okay' he thought, 'I still have it in mind. I can write it. Everything is okay... as long as I haven't lost it at school.'  

Just Before The Dawn [DaeJae]Where stories live. Discover now