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Youngjae lied on the sofa in their living room, playing a game on his phone, when he heard the front door open. The steps in the hallway told him it was Daehyun, who came home from his walk with Kanji. 

It had been about one and a half years since their graduation from school and they had moved into an apartment near their college with Junhong and Yongguk, in order to afford the rent. 

"JaeJae, I'm back~ let's order pizza for dinner!" the older called out before entering the living room, where Youngjae had not moved an inch from his comfortable position. "Jae~ Give me attention~" Daehyun grumbled and flopped down next to the younger, whose eyes were still glued to the screen of his phone.

"Let me finish that level..." the boy mumbled in a monotone voice.

"Is it still the same that you were on when I left two hours ago?"

When he didn't get an answer, he turned to take a look at Youngjae's phone. "It is! Jae, just accept it, you will never finish this level. Now put that thing away and tell me what you want to eat, I'm hungry."

"Just one moment-" Youngjae said, right before the words "Game Over" appeared on the screen. He groaned. "See, that's all because you distracted me." He put his phone aside and turned over to face Daehyun. "Dae~ I have a great idea for a deal."

"What is it?" 

"I'll pay for your food if you do my assignment for college tomorrow." 

The blonde laughed. "You still haven't done it? Jae, we had two weeks for that." 

"I know, but it's so much work~ please? Or at least help me?" he gave the older a pleading smile, making him sigh.

"Alright, I'll help you. But you still pay for my food." he rolled over and grabbed the brochure of their favourite pizza place from the table. "By the way, I wanted to ask you something..."

"What is it?"

"Well, um... You know the Christmas ball is coming and... uh... I wanted to ask if maybe you want to go with me...?"

Sutprised, Youngjae looked at him. "Oh? I thought you were going with Mia? Didn't she ask you yesterday?"

The blonde shook his head. "I said no. I wanted to go with you..."Realizing what he just said, he stopped speaking. He had not meant to say that out loud. What was wrong with him?

Youngjae smiled. "Why with me though?"

"Well, I- I just thought it would be nice if we went together..."

The younger started grinning. "You know we'll have to dance then, right?"

"Yes... Is that a problem for you?"

"No, just wanted to make sure you're aware of it, since you know that my dancing skills aren't the greatest. But yes, I'd love to go with you."

Daehyun felt a relieved smile spread on his face and hugged the younger." Thank you. Now let's order something to eat, I'm starving."


The day of the Christmas ball had come, it was about an hour before they had planned to leave and Daehyun stood in front f the mirror in his room. He was wearing the suit he had bought a few days earlier and was struggling to get his hair right while Junhong sat on his bed, slightly annoyed by his best friend, but grinning. 

"Dae, you look good. Stop messing it up." 

"Are you kidding? This looks like crap! I can't let him see me like this..." 

Just Before The Dawn [DaeJae]Where stories live. Discover now