Chapter 2

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~Never judge a book by its cover


"Okay class, so take out your maths book each of you and solve the trigonometrical expressions on page 31." Mr Sipek says as he fixes his thick glasses.

Good thing I brought my book. I open on page 31 and I start doing the classwork that the teacher has just given. I really like solving Trigonometrical expressions. I find it too easy. It's simple logic. I smile at my questions when all of a sudden, a piece of paper is thrown on my table. What the hell. I turn around and I awkwardly meet eyes with Mr Rude. I look at him angrily then I turn in front. Huh! I don't even like him.

Some minutes later, another paper is thrown at me. It is him again. "What??" I almost shout and two girls look at me suspiciously and I bow my head in embarassment.

"Read it" Mr Rude says while chuckling at my annoyed expression. Does he find it amusing or what?

"Read what?" I ask while raising my left eyebrow.

"The piece of paper." he replies, looking at me intensely. Why is he looking at me like this? I quickly turn in front with a Humph and I hear him chuckling again. Is he out of his mind to keep making silly gestures like this. I quietly open the paper which reads

'Sorry for this morning '

So he knows how to apologize? I smirk at myself in satisfaction and with an attitude, I'm about to tell him, 'Yeah whatever.' when he further adds,

"Read the back of the paper also." he says quietly so that the teacher won't hear.

Huh? Oh okay..

I turn the paper and read

' but your grandma's clothes fits you well :).' 

 What the heck... I don't even look at him because i'm too embarrassed. Is he for real? I feel like the ground just swallowed me up in a blink of an eye. I was tricked! God, this is so embarrassing! I look at my clothes with regret.. Is it really this bad? Why do they always pay attention to me.. I don't want.. Please, let me just go far away from all of them... I'm so embarrassed right now..

He starts laughing. I should have known. He is so disrespectful. I avoid him and try to pay attention to the class. One hour later, the bell rings and it is now lunch time. I'm craving for a nice pancake right now. I start packing up my stuff and I completely ignore Mr Rude and make my way to the cafeteria when suddenly I trip into a girl with red hair. "Hey watch out grandma." She yells at me.

'Grandma???' again??

"I'm-m so-rry.. " I say painfully as I grab my skirt tightly.

"Well wear some glasses, you ugly grandma." she yells again before walking away. Trying to retain my tears, instead of going to the cafeteria, I immediately make my way to the bathroom. Once there, I completely break down. I start crying silently because I'm a really sensitive person and the fact that they have been criticizing me since this morning adds more to it. I can't stand this.. I'm so weak.. I hate myself for this. I really do.. What's wrong with them? Why are they all mocking me? I know that I don't dress pretty well like the other girls but at least I'm wearing decent clothes aren't I? It's always like that...

"Are you okay?" suddenly I hear a voice behind me. I quickly wipe off my tears as I try to act normal.

"Yeah, I'm fin-e " I say with a normal tone. My voice is quite hoarse and my eyes are red so it's obvious that I'm not really normal. Screw my bad acting!

"Why are you crying?" she asks worriedly.

" I .. it's nothing.." I reply awkwardly. I don't really like to share my problems.. What if she also starts mocking me?

"Hmm okay. Have you had lunch yet?" she asks, no longer persisting with me.

"No." I reply.

"Wanna join me?" she smiles at me while offering her hand.

'Are you sure?' I want to ask her but I just reply,

"Okay.." I say nervously while fixing myself.

I follow her quietly and I look down while walking. Once, in the cafeteria we grab each a plate and she leads me to a table where two people are already seated. One boy and one girl. The boy has blond hair and he smiles at me once we make eye contact, which causes me to flip. I'm unsocially awkward. He is quite good looking and has cute dimples which doesn't make him scary. When I notice the girl however with blue highlights on her hair, a serious expression on her face, I start regretting my presence here. She seems to be in her own world with her earphone on. I guess she hasn't even noticed us yet.

"Hey guys." the girl who was with me in the bathroom, says to her friends.

"Hey Kat." the blond guy greets as we both sit down.

"What's up?" The girl whose name seems to be Kat says and the boy answers,

"Nothing much. I'm bored." He says while glancing at me.

"This is ..." Kat tries to introduce me.

"I am Scarlette." I tell her.

"Yeah, so Zayn meet Scarlette and Scarlette meet Zayn." Kat introduces us as she also learns my name. "And that girl with the earphone is Sarah." she adds as she bites a piece of her bread.

Sarah suddenly looks at us. She handshakes Kat and then she finally notices me. She stares at me for a moment and I begin to feel uneasy with her dangerous piercing brown eyes.

"Hi my name's Sarah." she says while removing her earphone and taking some of the fries of Zayn. She looks intimidating for sure.

"Hi...I'm Scarlette." I say.

"Are you okay?" Zayn asks and I look at him with wide eyes. Shit. I don't want him to find out..

"Oh um- yes. " I begin murmuring, in an attempt to change the conversation when suddenly someone says,

"She was crying.." Kat says and I look at her in disbelief. Why did she have to tell them? I feel so uneasy right now..

"Why??" Sarah shouts in curiousity. Great! I don't like attention..

"Well..." I hesitate. "It's nothing, really." I shake it off but they start persisting.

"Tell us." the girls ask in union with a kind of authoritative tone that I finally say,

"It's nothing really. " I say.

"I hope so. If something is bothering you, you can always share with us. We will be pleased to help you." Zayn says and I look at him with appreciation.

"Yes, he is right. We are happy to talk to you." Kat says.

"Really? Thank you guys." I say nervously.

We talk for some times and they seem very friendly. Soon the bell rings, and each of us separate our way.

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