Chapter 93

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I look around to search for my credit card but I cannot find it. Where is it? It's been already one month since I last saw it. Where the hell is it? Oh god come on.. I start panicking as I shuffle through my books and I try to find the card. I even search my wardrobe just in case but still I cannot find it. Where is it god damn it? I had to do a few shopping and dad had transferred quite a huge amount of money to me. I will be very much in trouble if I don't find it.

"What are you looking for?" Zac's deep voice startles me from behind.

"I'm looking for my credit card." I say and suddenly his jaw clenches. What is wrong with him?

"Oh okay. Anyway I have to go." He says and is about to leave when I pull him to a hug.

"Okay, take care." I say as he looks at me with an awkward smile.

"Thanks." he says as he leaves.

"Dad? I cannot find my credit card. What to do now?" I ask my dad on the other line.

"Hmmm, are you sure you looked everywhere?" he asks and I answer yes.

"Doesn't matter, I will send a cheque with the driver for you." he says.

"Okay thank you." I say.

"Anyway I have to go. See you at the event and the driver will be arriving soon." dad says and I hung up.

Damn, I really need to find that damn card. I change into a pair of denim shorts and a black crop top. I let my hair down itself and soon enough, I hear a knocking on the door. Must be the driver. I take my purse and my phone with me and I head out where I recognise the driver immediately.

"Hi, miss Scarlette. Mr Grey asked me to drop you at the shopping centre." the mid-fifty year old man says as he smiles lightly.

"Okay, uncle." I say while getting in and he seems surprised.

"Thanks.." he says.

"For what?" I ask curiously.

"Calling me uncle. People never acknowledge me but you and your father have always treated me nicely. No wonder you are Mr Grey's daughter." he says and I immediately feel sorry for him.

"It's okay. Not everyone is nice nowadays." I say and he nods as he looks at me through the small mirror.

"Okay, we're here. This is for you." he says as he hands me an envelope.

"Thank you, uncle. Have a nice day." I say cheerfully as I get out of the car. Oh freak, I forgot to tell Zac that I was going out. Let me text him.

And Sent.

I look for Margarette everywhere until I spot a very beautiful woman sitting gracefully on a bench. This must be her. I approach her and she is wearing a beautiful white hat and she is wearing a casual dress in which she looks splendid.

"Hiii!" I exclaim happily as she stands up and hugging me at once.

"Oh my dear!! You look beautiful." she says as she exclaims happily just like a teenage girl. Annw she is so sweet.

"Thank you, but you look very beautiful too." I say and she chuckles.

"That, I am." she winks at me. "Anyway, ready to go?" she asks and I nod. She wraps her arms around mine and we start walking towards some Boutiques. We look at multiple of dressee together as we keep gossiping.

I feel my heart fluttering as she asks me a lot about myself since I came back to Canada. She seems so caring and totally a motherly type figure. She inquires about my health, my school, about myself and I find this sweet because my own mother had never even asked me if I was hungry or not. I grew up to do everything myself. Since a young age I had to start cleaning and cooking for myself. I never got pampered, never ever. Never had the chance to go spend some times shopping with my mother either. I was always alone but with Margarette, it's different. She seems so happy to hang out with me. She treats me like her own daughter and to be honest I really enjoy her company.

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