Chapter 19

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I head to my math class where only some girls are sitting at the back. I go in my usual seat and take out my notebook. Suddenly one of the girl approaches me and I quickly recognize her, Jessica.
"Hey." she says while leaning on my table. Her face is baked with make-up and she is looking at me in a disgusted way.

"Yeah?" i try to act calm.

"I heard that you forced Zac to come in the bathroom with you." she says in a bitchy tone.

"Wh-at??" I ask surprised.

"Were you that reckless to get in his pants huh?" she smirks at me.

"What are you talking about?" I ask definitely uneasy.

"Don't try to be innocent! I know girls like you. Trying to act all good but deep down just a horny little slut who wants attention." she says and the girls with her starts to laugh.

"I - " I try to retain my tears. What is her problem with me?

"Jessica, I told you to stay the fuck away from her. What piece of it did you not understand?" Zac yells at her while approaching us.

"She should know that you are mine, Zacky." she approaches him and bats her fake eyelashes at him.

I try to go away, tears falling down my face when he grabs hold of my hand.

"Stay." he tells me and looks back at her.

"I'm telling you for the last time, the name's Zac, get that in your dumb head and I was never yours to begin with. Now, get the fuck out of here and if you ever wander around her again, I will forget that you are a girl." he tells her.

"You will regret this." she says to me and walks away angrily.

"I'm sorry." he says while hugging me. I hug him back. I cannot hold my tears anymore.

"Please, don't cry." he lifts up my chin and wipes off the tears.

He looks into my eyes and I look back at him. His eyes are glowing. I suddenly notice his pupil dilate and my heart starts beating fast.

"I didn't notice how green your eyes were." he says while locking eyes with me. He starts leaning when suddenly,

"Ahem. If you guys are finished with your make-out session,I have a class to teach." Mr Sipek clears his throat while looking at us suspiciously. We quickly let go of each other.

Everybody starts laughing and I'm now embarrassed.

"I'm not yet finished." he says while looking at me with a playful expression.


"Oouhhhh!" the boys start teasing.

"Anyway, take your seat each of you." the teacher says.

He sits next to me and one boy with blond hair whispers to him.
"So you aren't yet finished, huh?" he laughs.

"Shut up, Erik." Zac tells him.

"Won't you introduce us?" the blond boy says again.

"No, now shut the fuck up." he says and the boy whose name seems Erik laughs.

I'm hesitating. Why did he say that he is not finished?? Does that mean that he wants to make out with me. His lips.God. I'm blushing real hard. He definitely gives me mixed signals, this boy.

"You do know you're blushing, right?" Zac suddenly tells me.

"No, I'm not." I lie.

"Yeah sure." he smirks.

After sometimes, the class is dismissed. I pack my things and I'm ready to leave the class when suddenly the blond boy approaches us.
"Hey cutie." he smiles at me.

"What do you want, Erik?" Zac sounds annoyed.

"Just wanted to know this cute lady." he smiles at me. He is definitely handsome. Just like Zac, he also has tattoos on his hands. He has cropped blond hair and he is tall. He has an eyebrow piercing.

"H-hi." I tell him.

"So what's up between you two?" he wiggles his eyebrows.

"N-nothing." I blush.

"Oh really?" he smirks.

"Stop teasing her, Erik." Zac says again, pissed off.

"Okay okay." he says. "Anyway, there's a party tonight at my place. Wanna come?" he asks me and Zac answers on my behalf.

"No, she doesn't want to come, now get out."
Is he serious right now? I decide if I want or not. Without thinking, I answer,

"Yeah sure." Zac looks at me confused and then pissed off.

"Okay cool, see you tonight. I live in the frat house that is off the campus. It is on the other side of the street.

"Yeah, I know. I came last time." i tell him and he nods.

"Okay bye." he winks at me and then leaves.

"What the fuck was that?" Zac asks me in a pissed tone.

"You! what the heck was that?" I ask him.


"Why did you tell him that I don't want to go?"

"Because I don't want you to go." he says.

"Why is that? And who are you to decide for me?" I snap at him.

"Why do you want to go anyway?" he asks.

"How come you can go and not me??" I fire at him.

"Because you are not the type to go to these kind of parties." he fires back.

"Well even I can go to these kind of parties, okay!" I lie.

"Oh really?" he mocks.

"Yeah, i'll show you tonight." I tell him and walk away.

Who does he think he is??? Seriously!!?? I'm definitely pissed off right now. One minute he is nice with me and then the next minute he is rude again. I will show him tonight.

I dial Katrine's number.

Katrine: Hey girl

Me: Hey, I want to go to Erik's party today.

Katrine: What?? You serious??

Me: Yeah.

Katrine: Oh hmm cool. See you at my place then.

Me: Okay.

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