Chapter 3

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~My love for you will never die

(Zac's POV)

"Hey brother." Max greets. He is my best man.

"Hey Maxy." I say in a flirtily girly tone and he looks at me in disgust. Our relationship is very deep and friendly mostly because he is the one who knows every single detail about my life. About my past. He knows all.

"Uh.. " he responds awkwardly and I laugh.

"Ahhahaha!!" I burst out with his shocked reaction. He has always been the shy type.

"What..are you..?" he stumbles on his words and I laugh.

"You're blushing." I wink at him playfully as he looks away. I'm always pulling his leg. He is like a brother to me and I love him for that.

"Am not!!" he exclaims.

"Coach better have a good reason to call me this early or I'm gonna kill you, Max." I state annoyingly.

"Hey chill man. He wanted to meet you personally today." he says, putting his hands up in defense.

"Yeah by the way were you at Barbie's party yesterday?" Erik who was also here, asks me. Erik is a friend but he is not that close to me compared to Max.

"Nah. I didn't want to meet her." I say, with an annoyed expression recalling that female who can simply give good blowjobs with her big ass mouth and nothing more else.

"She is so totally into you." they both say as they laugh.

"Yeah who isn't into me?" I smirk as they nod in response. I mean it's true, girls are always throwing themselves on me.  "By the way I'm visiting the tattoo studio after school. Wanna come with me?" I ask and they both nod.

Suddenly my eyes travel around and they land on her and I cannot describe the unfettered emotions flowing throughout my body. Battle of confronting her or not, dances inside my head. The girl from the parking slot is walking with full speed towards the bathroom. I can tell she is very furious right now. I mean earlier, with her cute little accent she seemed rather pissed. I watch the way she is walking, her hips are moving sexily, even though she is covered in this long skirt which is quite dirty and I recall muddy water jumping on her damn clothes. Her beautiful midnight black hair is glowing as they are swaying from behind. I continue to stare at her, lost in my thoughts. Memory makes its way inside my head. It cannot be, can it?

"Hey? Earth to you?" Max asks as he looks at me suspiciously.

"Yeah?" I reply awkwardly.

"We were talking to you."

"Oh sorry , so what were you saying?" I ask

"Nothing nothing." they both laugh.

"Okay well see you guys later" I say and walk away.

I debate on whether to go to Sipek's class but then I decide to go since I got no chick available right now. I mean, I can always make them ditch class with me.
I walk into the class and the annoying voice says,

"You are five minutes late Mr Stones. If you want to pass this year you better come early next time."  the old man says. Seriously? As if I care.

"Sorry ma'am it won't happen again" I smirk at him. The class burst in sudden laughter in contrast to Sipek who is nervously fixing his thick glasses. "Oh I'm so sorry, I meant Sir." I grin. I really love bothering him.

"Whatever! Go and sit at the back and stop wasting my time." he says annoyingly as he fixes his round glasses again. Yeah he is always fixing those big things and you are totally right, the man is bald with a small moustache and he is a shorty.

I go to my usual seat which is at the complete back. All the girls are staring at me, like always. Not that I mind. I can see that they totally want me, with the way they seem to be in their little barbie world. I wink at some of them and they start blushing. Some are even whispering among themselves while looking at me with dreamy eyes. Oh girls...
Classic but lame. I'm not interested in any of them, I mean if it's on the bed then I don't mind. However, I don't do virgins nor nerdies. I do the popular girls but even then they are not really my type. Well you see, my type is a girl with mixed personality. I mean that one female who will shut my mouth with only a stare of her. That one who will make my heart race just by her mere touch. That one who will be fucking innocent yet will be my private pornstar. I have always been the dominating one. Damn where can I find one like this?

Barbie who is sitting in front of me turns around and starts talking to me.
"Hey Zacky, I missed you." she says with her really high pitchy voice. Yeah! Now, just think about her moaning.

"My name's Zac " I say annoyingly.

"Yeah, same thing Zacky, my place today after school?" she winks at me.

"Nah I'm busy." I reply annoyingly.

Barbie is definitely hot. She has the experience in bed and she knows how to satisfy a man. We have done 'it' a few times but I never really liked her. Her personality is shitty. She would always throw her body at me so I accepted. I mean why not?That's what girls want. The need to be fucked. She knows i don't do relationship but she keeps trying to seduce me and that is starting to irritate me now. I better get a new toy.

Suddenly someone knocks at the door. Who the hell knocks before coming into Sipek's class? i laugh.

"Come in." Sipek says obviously surprised that someone knocked at the door as he nervously fixes those shits on his nose again.

A girl enters the class and I immediately recognise her.

"Miss Grey, I believe you had a good reason to be 10 minutes late and pick up dry clothes to wear next time. Now go and take a seat beside Mr Stones." he says annoyingly.

Everyone starts laughing at Sipek's comment.

I look at her and she is embarrassed because her cheeks suddenly turn a pale shade of red.
I really need to find more about this girl. Because, she cannot be her.

She sits beside me when suddenly she looks shock upon making eye contact with me. I look at her angrily unable to control my feelings. Why did she have to sit next to me on top of that?? I must find out who the hell she is.
I have suddenly mixed feelings. I want to talk to her. I must find a way.

After one hour, when the bell rings, I notice barbie lashing out at the poor Grey. Once, the chick with long skirt runs away, probably going to cry. I suddenly feel bad. I immediately call out to barbie.

"Why did you have to be rude to her?" I ask.

"Zacky.. She deserves it. This little bitch-"

"Shut up Jessica. " I say irritated.

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