Chapter 6

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Literature class was nice. I shared the same class with Zayn and Kat. We had a group work together so I spent some time with them. Kat's full name is Katrine Maria. I found out that she has a crush on a certain boy who is in the football team. She said that he was the most popular guy in school. I learnt that Zayn has a girlfriend but she does not come to our school. She is a couple of years younger than him too. He says that he plans to meet her during the week-ends. Overall we got to know each other better. They seemed really nice to hang out with. I think I kind of like Katrine. I mean, she seems to be a nice person. After that I met Liam at the Cafeteria and as usual he made me laugh with his weird jokes. We talked for a very long time and then when the bell rang, he went for his class and I left for home as I didn't have any other classes for today.

Now, I'm waiting for Zac to go at my place while sitting on a bench and I am reading my favorite book ' A voice in the wind ' by Francine Rivers in the meanwhile.

"Hadassah and Marcus huh?"
I look around and find Zac smirking.

"Do you read?" I ask astonished.

"Who knows." He winks at me while I look at him with my mouth half open.

I'm really surprised. I never took him for a guy who reads. Maybe someone told him about the story.

"I'll be right back." Zac says and then some minutes later, he returns on his motorcycle.

"Get on, sweetheart." He says, handing me an helmet.

"No way. I am not riding this thing." I refuse at once.

"Maybe you wanna ride something else then." He smirks at me and I start blushing immediately.

"No you pervert!! I'm walking home!!" I say embarrassingly.

"I knew you were the grandma type." He mocks.

"Shut up." I hiss. "Don't you dare call me a grandma or I will punch you." I tell him and he looks at me in absolute amusement.

"I give you three choices. One: You get on my motor without any complain. Two: I run into you causing your legs to break and then make you get on it. Three: I will kiss you hardly and make you ride something else that you will not be able to walk for a week. Now you choose." He says in a very serious tone . I start blushing on hearing his choice number 3.

"The time is running, Tik-Tok, Tik-Tok." he blabbers as I roll my eyes annoyingly at him..

"Fine, I'm riding it." I groan.

"You wanna ride it here itself?" He smirks again.

"What? Oh-hh No-oo yo-u pervert!!!!" I say embarrassingly. Why does he make everything so sexual?

"Get on Grey."

I get on his motor and I'm very scared to be honest. I have never riden a motorcycle before and the fact that I'm riding with a boy, makes me extremely nervous. Suddenly he takes both my hand and places them around his waist. "Better." He says.

My heart suddenly starts racing. I get butterflies in my stomach from the single contact that we are making. I can feel his abs from his torso. He smells good, like really good. I sit quietly at the back and I feel the breeze once he starts the motor. I close my eyes and have an unusual feeling. I mean I have always enjoy breezes from my window but I never knew that motor rides were this good.

"Are you scared?" He asks as gentle as possible.

"Woww..this is so amaziing." I say loudly, as I smile.

"Ohh, I thought you would freak out." he chuckles.

"No, it's so good to feel the breeze!" I exclaim as I put my hand up in the air. He is looking at me from the small mirror and I quickly put my hands down.

"Okay, so which way is your house?"

"Turn right after the bridge." I tell him awkwardly.

"Okay hang on, Scarlette." He drives faster and it's as if we're flying.

"Woah!" I exclaim happily.

After 10 minutes, we pull up in front of my house. "It's here." I tell him.

"Okay." He replies as he looks at my house.
He parks his motor under my big Mango tree. "Come inside. It is going to rain." I tell him.

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