Chapter 82

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"The food is very good." I praise, eating some delicious chicken. Zac said he would be back soon as he had some work to do.

"Thank you, dear." the grandmother says while smiling, showing her dimples. She was very beautiful in her young days, I bet. She looks somewhat sad and uneasy.

"Do you live alone, here?" I ask.

"No, my husband is out for work." she says, staring at me, with a sad expression.

"Oh okay." I smile.

"He is probably coming tonight." she says with her eyes gleaming happily.

"Oh.. don't you feel alone?" I ask, feeling worried.

"No. We always spend the night watching movies and having dinner together. It is so much nice to be with him." she says happily, showing her love for her husband. Anww, that is so sweet. I wish I could meet her husband.

"Oh okay." I say when suddenly I recall something.


["You didn't have to enter the freaking bathroom!! What if somebody sees us??"

"I don't give a damn." he says

"Well I give a damn!!" I literally shout.

"Look, I couldn't talk to you or anything because my grandfather passed away on Saturday morning." he says and suddenly guiltiness strikes me. I feel like a complete bitch right now.]

Wait... Zac told me he couldn't come to study at my place because he attended his grandfather's funeral. Was he lying to me?

"Are you okay, dear?" she asks.

"Yes. I'm fine. By the way, where are Zac's parents?" I ask, wanting to know more about him. Did his grandfather really die?

"His father is abroad. His mother died when he was only 10 years old." she says and I look at her with a shock. I never knew that his mother had died...

"Ohh my god, is his mother, your daughter, then?" I ask, trying to hide my shock as she nods at me.

"If I may ask, was she ill?" I ask, hesitated.

"Yes, my daughter was suffering from Cancer. Helas! She didn't last long." She says with a frown.

"What are you guys talking about?" Zac enters the kitchen and looks at us with a dark expression.

"She wanted to know more about you." Grandma says, smiling a little.

"Anyway, we'll get going. See you soon, grandma." he says and the woman nods. They exchange a hug and I greet his grandma and we get back into the car, in silence. The woman is very nice indeed but I cannot believe that Zac lied to me. I'm hurt.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Zac says while putting his hand on my thigh.

"Nothing." I say, looking outside.

"Tell me." he says.

"Zac, where is your grandfather?" I ask, looking at him. He quickly looks back on the road and he removes his hand. He stays silent for a while before finally speaking,

"I'm sorry, I lied to you." he says while breathing hard.

"Why?" I ask, sadly.

"I'm sorry." is all he says and the car ride is in silence. He even lied about his parents to me.

Soon Zac drops me at my apartment and he leaves with the car, without telling me where he is going to. I enter the house and I head straight to the bed. I lay down for a bit trying to figure out why he lied to me, when my phone starts ringing.

It's Liam

Me: Hello

Liam : Hey, how are you doing?

Me: I'm fine. How are you?

Liam: Fine, I thought you would come to class today but you didn't. Anyway, my parents asked you to come over today to make up for the other day.

Me: Oh uh.. Fine. What time?

Liam: At six. I'll pick you up.

Me: Okay, I'll be there.

Liam: See you, bye.

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