Chapter 8

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(Scarlette's POV)

"Good morning, sweetheart." He says.
What the actual heck!?

"What are you doing here??" I ask obviously shocked.

"Well hello to you too." He says,
"And I'm here to take you to school babe." He winks at me.


"Why?" I ask with my mouth dropped. Is this a joke? Am I in New York where the kids would play such similar pranks on me??

"Well a certain miss walks to campus everyday so.." He states.

"I really appreciate that but I prefer to walk."

"Come on, get on I'm in a hurry." He says.

"Look, I'm fine. I can go on my own." I answer furiously. If they are pranking me again, I will lose it this time. I start walking away from him but he tries to approach me.

"Scarlette, I'm just trying to be your friend, come on, get on, otherwise you're going to be late, it's already 8 o' clock." He says in a very serious tone that I immediately believe him.

"What ? Really?? " I ask, panicked stricken.

"Yeah, now come on." He says handing me an helmet.
Having no choice I decide to get on his motor as I don't want to be late. I put on the helmet as I sit behind him and I wrap my arms around his waist as he starts the motor. I really hope he is being genuine to me right now. I don't even know why I accepted in the first place. My mind keeps wondering about bad incidents back at New York that I almost not notice that we have already arrived to the campus.

I get off his motor and give him back his helmet. Everyone is still outside. I thought it was already past eight. I take out my phone and it's quarter to eight. Are you kidding me right now??

"Hey, what the hell, it's not even eight yet!" I say angrily.

"Well it would be, if you had walked and by the way nice phone." he widely grins at me.

"I'm never riding with you again." I pout as I fold my arms.

"See you later, Bella." he waves at me as he leaves. He just ignored me! And Bella?? Why did my heart just escape upon hearing him calling me Bella again?? Is he always like this with other girls?? Fuck fuck fuck. No!! I mean he is really like a greek god with beautiful purplish eyes, straight eyebrowns, long eyelashes, sharp nose and pink and plumpy lips with a hot body as hell but I'm not drooling over him, am I?? I mean he has some tattoos visible!

I watch him leaving. I take a good look at him. He is wearing his black leather jacket and a pair of black slim jeans. Why does the black color suit him that much? He has the look of a very mysterious man. He looks delicious and he has a nice butt. Wait what the hell am i thinking again??
'Ignore his sexiness Scarl'
I clap my face thrice. I wonder why Liam asked me to stay away from him because he seems okay to talk to. Maybe i should talk to Liam about it. I make my way to my next class where I spot Zayn.

"Hi Zayn." I greet him and take a seat next to him.

"Hey, you looking pretty." he smiles at me.

"Thank you." I chuckle.

"Good morning class, today we are going to share our opinions. Open your book on page 21." the teacher says.

After one eternal hour later, the bell finally rings.
"Damn, that was one of a hell of discussion." Zayn says, while stretching his arms as he yawns.

"I know right." I laugh.

"You going to the cafeteria?" he asks.

"Yeah and you?"

"Yep, let's go." he says and I nod while following him.

We buy our lunch and sit together at the same table.

"Hey, Katrine and Sarah will join us in a while." he informs me.

"Yeah, fine by me." I smile.

Some minutes later Sarah joins us,
"Hey cuties." she says.

"Hello Sarah." Zayn and I say in union and we both laugh.

" Nice outfit Scarlette." she says.

"Thanks." I smile.

"Hey sup bitches?" someone says suddenly and we turn around to find Katrine with a big grin on her face.

"Hey kat." Sarah says.

"Guess who got invited to Erik's party?" she exclaims.

"Seriously??!!" Sarah starts shouting happily.

"Really?" Zayn adds.

"Yeah, you guys coming?" Kat asks and they reply with a quick "YES!"

"Cool, what about you Scarlette?" she turns her attention to me.

"Oh umm.. No thanks." i try to smile.

"Why not?" Sarah pouts.

"Uh-h I'm not really a party person and I don't know him." I say awkwardly.

"Well, his name is Erik a.k.a one of the babe of the school. He is the fullback of our school team and he is good looking and has a nice butt. Also good in bed." Katrine winks.

"Okay we got ya, stop now." Zayn tells Katrine, annoyed.

"What? I can't help that he is good looking." Katrine chuckles. "So, you coming?" she later asks me.

"Hmm, I'm not really sure, I have homework and plus my parents will never agree." I hesitate.

"Girl, come on. I can talk to your parents if you want to. You should have some fun. A little fun is not a bad thing and plus you can make some more friend. Look if you want we will drop you home if you don't like it there, okay? Now call your parents, let me talk to them." she says.

"They are away for sometimes." I murmure.

"Cool. That way they won't even know. So my place after school, okay?" Kat says.

"No, I can't. Sorry." I say.

"Hey, everybody is going to be present. You have to come, girl." She says. "It's important or else you will be targeted" Katrine says as I gasp in horror. Oh my god.

"Uhh... Okay." I reply after deciding for about 10 minutes.

"Cool, see you guys later." she waves at us and then we all make our way to our respective classes.

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