Chapter 79

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Sarah joins the table and Katrine starts talking to her while I eat my lunch quietly. I'm beginning to feel uneasy with Katrine now. I don't know why she always remarks things like I'm getting laid or things about Zac not loving me and stuff. It's starting to irritate me now.

"Hey." a voice which I have tried to ignore, says behind me.

"Oh hi-i" Katerine says, in a seductive voice. What the hell?

"May I sit here?" Zac asks and the girls all nod excitedly while I don't respond. I eat my chips as I try to ignore them. He takes a seat next to me as he whispers something in my ears,

"Why didn't you come to the hall?" he asks, kind of irritated.

"I didn't want to." I simply states.

"You will be punished for this, later." he whispers before he starts eating my chips. I open my eyes wide in shock when he says that. I recall the last time he punished me and I gulp.

"So, what's up guys?" Zac asks before his phone starts vibrating.

"Uh well, nothing much." Sarah says.

"Nothing, what about you Zac?" Katrine says again in a flirty voice. Is she flirting with him?? A pang of jealousy fills inside my heart.

"Mind if my friends join here?" Zac asks and Kat shakes her head,

"No, not at all." she says.

Soon, Max and Erik joins our table.

"Hey guys." They greet and all of them starts talking among themselves. Excluding me, who is playing game in my phone.

"You went rough on her, huh?" I hear, Katerine asks shamelessly to Zac referring to me.

"What do you mean?" Zac asks as he looks at me.

"Oh, I thought you were the one who gave her these on her neck." she says as I look at her furiously.

"I'm right here, you know." I exclaim as I try to control my anger.

"Yeah, I'm the one who gave her." Zac says through gritted teeth.

Katrine ignores me as she answers Zac,

"I thought that Zac Stones never left hickeys on chicks." Katerine says while smirking.

"Yeah, usually I don't but she's mine." Zac says and Kat's cheeks turn a pale shade of pink. So he doesn't give hickeys to the females? Oh okay..

"So what Scarlette was telling about you guys dating, is true?" she gasps in terror.

"Yeah, we are." Zac says and his friends look at us with a calm yet surprised expression on their faces.

"What! really?" Sarah asks,

"What's with these questions?" Zac asks, kind of irritated.

"It's just that.. It's hard to believe." Katrine says.

"Excuse me, Kat? But what the hell is that supposed to mean?" I ask, unable to control my temper.

"Relax, girl! I'm just asking." she smiles at me.

"Whatever. I'm out of here." I say as I make my way away from them. I have had enough of them asking each time if me and Zac are dating.

"Wait! I'm coming with you." Zac says and I completely ignore him as I make my way to my next class which is obviously not the same for him.


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