Can't Stay Grounded Forever

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The sun set over the cliffsides, and the hustle and bustle of Berk began to die down for the day. Boats began to return to the docks from a day of fishing and farms animals returned to their stations. Many Vikings began to return to their homes, lighting their candles to bring about light in the house. One of those homes belonged to the Ivanstons - Hilda's family. 

Their house, which was located close to the cliffside, was tall and wide like the rest. Its roof was brown, with the front edges coated in a blue and white design and the top of the front roof having the shape of Thunderdrum's head. It was due to the fact that Hilda's great, great, great grandfather was the first in the Ivanston House to kill a Thunderdrum - back when the people of Berk would kill dragons instead of train them. 

The home had been lived in by every member of the Ivanston House, and hasn't changed since, but one new addition to the household was a small dragon stable on the side of the home, which they requested to the Chief as their dragons were too big for the house. 

The evening arrived and the candles within the Ivanston household were on all around the house. Hilda and her sister, Linda were downstairs, having their evening dinner that was prepared by their mother, Brenda. She had long brown hair that was braided into two strands over her shoulders. She was wearing a light brown sleeveless shirt with a red skirt and dark brown trousers. She was at the process of scrubbing a caldron that was used in making dinner.

While Linda was eating her way through the food, Hilda was, in a way, playing with it. Her mind was not in the room, but rather back in the forest, where she and Alric found that groove. She couldn't help but think about it. But her mind returned, thanks to a loud thud next to the house and the growl of a Gronckle. 

"Sounds like dad's back!" Linda happily proclaimed. Soon, the front door opened and through it came a tall man with a short black hair and a black circle beard, wearing a brown tunic and white vest. 

"Hey, dad!" the sisters exclaimed, with Linda waving like a 5 years old. Their father smiled at them while taking off his vest and hanging it before sitting at the table. 

"How was fishing today?" Hilda asked. 

"It all good. For once, Hollowwing was able to catch a good helping of fish." he proudly said. 

"Well, that's defiantly something, Dustin." Brenda said, giving a quick kiss on his cheek before giving him and herself their dinner. From there, they all talked about their day. All except Hilda, who was back to being spaced out after the initial greetings.

"There's something about that place." she thought. "But what? Why I am so interested in it? It's only a groove. Nothing special about it. Right?..."

"Hilda!" Hilda's eyes blinked several times after hearing her name being called. She looked straight up, seeing everyone staring at her.

"Are you OK, dear?" Brenda asked with concern. "You didn't seem like you were in the room."

Hilda was still staring, looking dazed before answering. "Oh. Yeah, I'm...I'm fine. Don't worry. It...." She then sighed. "Actually, there's something I want to say."

"Ok. What is it?" Dustin asked. With all eyes on her, Hilda felt a sinking feeling in the stomach. She quickly turned away and took deep breaths before facing her family.

"I want to train a dragon." All their eyes grew wide, wider than probably their faces at even the mention of the world 'train'.

"Are...are you sure, Hilda. You said that..."

"I'm sure." Hilda interrupted her mother. "I know it's crazy since I kept saying that I would never train a dragon. But...I think...I waited long enough."

There was a silence in the house. Not a sound except for the crackling of the fire. Then, a sudden booming laugh coming from Dustin. 

"Well, we can't complain about that, now can we?" he laughed. Hilda nervously smiled at the response. "So, I better tell Sterling to bring the best dragons!" he stood up before walking up to the door. 

"Wait, Dustin. Now?" Brenda asked, still in confusion of the whole situation. 

"Why not?"

"Well, what if she doesn't want one now? Maybe..?"

"No. I don't mind getting a dragon tomorrow." Hilda admitted.

"See? Oh, it is great!" Dustin proudly said before leaving the house. The house became silent again, but luckily not for a long time. 

"Why does his laugh still scares me?" Linda questioned. 

Brenda chuckled. "I don't know."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The evening turned into the night, with the final activities outside coming to the full stop. A majority of the candles in the houses were out, with only a few still on, including Hilda and Linda's bedroom. Hilda was lying on her bed, looking at the ceiling and being very still. She finally moved when she heard the sound of stairs. Up them came Linda, who was in process of taking off her light brown vest.

"Finally managed to get Dash to sleep?" Hilda asked as she sat up from her lying position.

"It's getting harder for him to fall asleep. So stubborn." Linda jokingly said, hanging her vest up before sitting on the edge of her bed. "So, what's up?"

Hilda looked at her with confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Don't give me that! You don't say you don't want a dragon for 7 years and then all of a sudden say you want one! Something's up and I know it. So, what's up? Why want a dragon now?" Her eyes were glued directly at Hilda, almost staring into her soul. 

Hilda sighed and composed herself. "OK. When Alric and I were in the forest today, we found a broken tree and a deep groove that ran across the ground. Alric didn't want anything to do it, but there's something about it that I can't help but think about it. That maybe... there's a dragon there."

"Yeah, a wild dragon." Linda reminded her. "You can't train any dragon, let alone a wild dragon."

"Well, there's no harm in trying."

"That's a big risk!"

"Then, I'll take it." 

Linda sighed before asking. "Why are you so eager in getting a wild dragon? Why not the dragons we have here?"

"Because I don't want those dragons. I don't want a Deadly Nadder, a Monstrous Nightmare, a Gronckle, a Hideous Zippleback, or even a Terrible Terror! I want something different. That's why I really wanted to train a Night Fury."

"You want to stand out?" Linda asked.

Hilda shrugged her shoulders. "I guess. I don't know why, but I just do. My instincts are telling me that."

"I guess they're also telling you that there might be a wild dragon there?"

Hilda nodded with confidence. "I have to see it for myself." she said with determination. 

"So, what are you going to do?" 

"I'm not sure. Dad already told Sterling, so he would think I want those dragons. But I'll figure something out."

"Alright, then." Linda yawned, stretching her arms as she did. "Well, while you figure that out, I'm going to get some shut eye. Martha and I are going to practice for the next Dragon Racing tomorrow."

"Wow. And just when Alric had other problems to worry about." Hilda chuckled. 

"Why not? It's fun." Linda smiled, before lying on her bed and falling to sleep. Hilda blew out the candle before lying on her bed, looking back at the ceiling.

"Please let there be a dragon." she whispered. "Please let there be a dragon."

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