Training Begins Part 1

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Hilda, Alric, Linda and Martha, along with their dragons, were able to take the Night Fury away from Berk, without anyone noticing, just as the sky was turning away from the early morning. They made their way across the bridge and through the forest, with the Night Fury walking in front of the young Vikings. Throughout the whole journey, Hilda talked non-stop, expressing her absolute excitement in finally training not only a dragon, but a Night Fury. 

After about 20 minutes, they found a pretty secure place, where no other Viking could find them. There was a river that streamed in between a bank of land. The land was surrounded with tall, green trees, with the bank itself being covered with green grass. When they reached the place, the Night Fury ran up to the river and began to drink its water. 

"Alright, then. Should we get started?" Martha asked, breathing in the fresh air around them.

"Absolutely!" Hilda answered enthusiastically. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Hours had passed, the sky was now a bright blue colour, and the gang was nowhere near in helping Hilda train the Night Fury. This is due to the fact that Hilda herself, being the stubborn Viking that she was, insisted in trying to figure out how to train the dragon herself. Surprisingly, Martha granted her request, confusing both Alric and Linda, and for almost a good one hour, they had been sitting against the rocks lying on the bank, watching as Hilda desperately tried to put a saddle onto the Night Fury to no prevail.

"Remind me again why are we just sitting here and not helping?" Alric asked Martha, clearly frustrated. 

Martha sighed. "Like I said, Hilda needs to learn that being stubborn while training the dragon is not going to work."

"By letting her be that stubborn Viking?" Linda asked, realising a flaw in her plan.

"She needs to know she has to ask for help sometimes." Martha clarified. 

"Oh, come on! This is ridiculous!" Alric exclaimed. "Why can't we just...!"

"Hey, umm...guys." All three turned their head and was shocked to see Hilda, holding her saddle, covered in mud, all over her face and clothes.

"Whoa! What in Thor's name happened to you?" Linda smirked, trying hard not to burst out in laughter. 

"Don't ask." Hilda said, wiping some of the mud off of her face. "Look, I tried and I failed. She won't listen!" she exclaimed, pointing at the Night Fury, who was lying on the ground minding her own business. 

"And why might that be?" Martha questioned, raising an eyebrow at Hilda.

Hilda sighed. "Because I was too stubborn to think that I can train a dragon myself, even though I said I would need your help and clearly couldn't yesterday. So, can you please help me?" She said quite quickly. 

Martha smiled and nodded. "It will be our pleasure." She then brought Hilda closer to the Night Fury, who lifted her head up when she heard their footsteps. She was at a point where she could somewhat trust them, but not fully yet.

"Ok, here's your problem, Hilda." Martha explained. "You certainly have the determination to train her. The problem is you don't have the patience."

Hilda was about to answer back, but Martha stopped her. "I understand why. You've waited so long for a dragon, so you want to quickly train her, so you can be up in the sky like the rest of us. Trust me, I get it. We were all like that when we got our first dragon. But the only way you can have a good bond with the dragon is if you have the patience that is necessary."

Hilda was surprised at what Martha said, but in a way, she was right. She never actually thought of it like that, but she remembered how, deep down, she was jealous. Jealous of the fact all of her friends were on dragons and she wasn't, but she never say it out loud to anyone. 

She nodded with that newfound realisation. "Yeah, you're right. I understand."

Martha smiled. "That's good. But we are here to help you all the way." She then clapped her hands together. "Right, so first thing first, the Night Fury needs to get used to you. I suggest putting the saddle onto the ground."

Hilda looked confused, but didn't questioned it and did what was asked. The Night Fury noticed this, causing her to get up. Hilda and Martha walked back as the dragon approached the saddle. She began to sniff it and interact with it. 

"What is she doing?" Hilda asked curiously.

"Well, I realised that training the Night Fury will be different to how we trained our dragons." Martha explained. "Not only because, well, it's a Night Fury. But because it was an extremely wild dragon."

"So, she's needs to get used to 'Viking things' first, like saddles and such." Hilda said.

"Yes, exactly." Martha smiled. 

"Well, if that wasn't the cleverest thing I heard you say." Linda exclaimed, being able to hear their conversation, as well as Alric. 

"Well, she is the Chief's daughter." Alric mentioned.

"I'll take that compliment, thank you." Martha said, looking back at them. "And can you grab the bag of fish on Sapphire, please?" she asked. Alric went up to Sapphire, who was playing about with Rageous and Dash, and grabbed hold of the bag of fish. He walked forward a bit before throwing the bag at them. Hilda caught it, but not without letting out a small groan. 

"And I thought Linda was aggressive." Hilda murmured in her breath. 

"I think he's still a bit mad that we sat there for almost an hour." Martha mentioned. She then gestured both Alric and Linda to join them. As she was doing this, Hilda took a fish out of the bag and slowly walked up to the Night Fury, who was still playing with the saddle. She looked up, noticing Hilda walking up to her, holding the fish. She immediately walked up to her and took the fish from her hands. 

Hilda chuckled. "I did say I would get you more, right?" The Night Fury gave a small yelp before continuing to take fish from Hilda one by one. 

The rest of the gang watched from afar. "Looks like it won't be too hard after all." Linda said, almost in surprise. 

"Yeah. But I'm just worried what will happen when she learns to fly." Alric mentioned. 

Martha shrugged. "Well, we'll worry about it when we get to it."

Alric looked at her with concern before sighing. "I guess we will."

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