Unlike Any Dragon

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The morning sun rose over the cliffside once again, as it did for many generations on the Isle of Berk. The chickens clucking loudly, the boats moving away from the docks and the resume of the hustle and bustle of Berk signified the morning greatly. This, however, didn't seem to matter to Linda. 

She was never a morning person, preferring to sleep until noon when she was energised and ready to go about the day. But the loud roar of a Deadly Nadder entering her room and causing her to almost fall from her bed was sadly going to ruin those plans. 

"Come on, Linda! Wakey, wakey!" It took Linda a few seconds for her brain, which was still asleep, to process what was just said, finally realising that the voice came from a fully wide awake Martha Haddock.

"Ye..Yeah. Be with you in a bit." Linda tiredly shouted through her window. She staggedly got up from her bed, rubbing her eyes and stretching her arms.

"I knew I should've said in the afternoon." she murmured to herself, before walking up to get her vest. But then her eyes caught something unsusal - Hilda was not in bed. She turned to look at the empty bed where she noticed a piece of paper on the centre of the bed. Once she put on her vest, she picked up the paper, which was folding into two and opened it. 

Went to the forest to try and find the wild dragon

Don't tell Sterling where I am yet. Shouldn't take too long


Linda sighed after finishing reading the note. "You really are stubborn, are you?" she whispered, putting the note inside her vest.

"Linda!!" Martha shouted, showing clear frustration

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Linda shouted back. "What's with you and doing things early?!"

"The earlier, the better is what I always say!" Martha proudly said.

Linda shook her head, before thinking about her sister in the forest with a possible wild dragon.

"Please don't do anything stupid." she said before making her way downstairs.

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The forest was nothing new to Hilda, after all, she and Alric always hanged out here. But for some reason, she felt uneasy as she descended deeper into the forest. It could be due to the fact that she may or may not come face to face with a wild dragon that she defiantly won't be able to train, even if it was a baby dragon. But she knew she had to. There was something about that place and she was going to find out, one way or another. 

After trekking for what felt like ages, she finally reached the location of the groove. It hadn't changed since yesterday, along with the broken tree that wacked Alric in the face. She couldn't help but giggled at that thought before feeling anxious again as she looked down at the groove. 

She took one long deep breath. "Here we go." she whispered, before making her way down. She walked slowly, taking it one step at a time, but soon she starts to slowly slide down due to the groove being steeper than it looked. Luckily, she was still in control of her sliding and soon, made it to the bottom. 

There was a small hump at the end of the groove, allowing her to put her feet up to stop herself. After composing herself again, she got on her feet and poked up from the hump. There, she was nothing, but something. There wasn't any creature, no dragon, but there was a large smudge of mud all around the area. 

"What happened here?" Hilda said to herself. She slowly went over the hump and jumped, landing safely as it wasn't very high. She looked around, feeling very uneasy as the forest suddenly turned too quiet than normal - like there was an unknown force surrounding the area and it doesn't know how to react, so it just stayed quiet. 

She got down on one knee, getting a better look at the smudge. After closer inspection, it was clear that there were actually skid marks that exposed the mud underneath. 

"Looks like who was here had some sort of struggle." she analysed. She placed her hand on the mud, picking a small bit up and rubbed it in between her thumb and two fingers. 

"It's still wet." she said in surprise. "That means this struggle didn't happen not too long ago." She got up, wiping the dirt off her fingers on her red tunic. She looked around, trying to find anything else out of place. Then, something clicked in her mind. She looked back down at the skid marks and noticed that they expand beyond their original position to her left, before stopping abruptly. 

"Maybe... it hasn't left the forest yet." she somewhat concluded. She braced herself to walk up to the extended skid mark.

Suddenly, a loud roar erupted the forest.

Hilda covered her ears and fell onto the ground as the roar was close by, closer than she had anticipated. The birds flew out of their trees, circling around the perimeter before landing on another set of trees. After what felt like an eternity , the roar stopped. She removed her hands from her ears and moved back quickly, still on the ground, panting heavily. Her heart was racing a thousands beats per minute as she slowly, but shakily got up on her feet. 

Once she got up, she faced where the roar was coming from - a long line of bushes in front of her. Then, a another roar was heard, but this time, it was a lot more quieter than before, like it was calling out for help. 

"That's... a dragon, alright." she said, panting in between her words. One step at a time, Hilda walked up to the bushes, closing her eyes as she entered through the bush.

"This is it." she thought. "No turning back,...I think. Just... please let it be a different dragon.

She then made to the other side. Her eyes were still closed, but now the growls of the dragon were loud and clear. For some reason, to her, there was something familiar about the growls of the dragon. Like she heard this kind of roar before, but it was a roar that she never heard before and the only roars she heard were the ones on Berk and she knew them back to front. 

Her back was against the bushes. She took a deep breath. She took another. And another. She opened one eye slowly. The eye stopped. She opened it wide. She opened the other one wide. She stood there, frozen in place, staring. 

Right in front of her was a dragon, lying on its side with its eyes closed. Its legs and wings were tied up. It was still, only making small growls. It wasn't large dragon, only medium sized. Its body was sleek, black coloured. 

Hilda stood there, frozen in place, staring. She blinked her eyes several times, stuttering her words before finally three words left her mouth.

"A... Night fury."

The Last Night Fury (A HTTYD Future AU)Where stories live. Discover now