Don't Hold Back Part 1

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It was the now the evening on the Isle of Berk, and candles in houses were providing light in the otherwise dark surrounding the island. With the evening alight, it gave Vikings some time to hang out and take a breather from all of the hustle and bustle and chaos in Berk.

But for Martha, it's pretty hard to forget. 

She was in her room, lying on her side on her bed. Ever since her argument with her father, she had been in her room for the majority of the day. It was rare for her to argue with him, so it felt uneasy for her. She felt bad about what she said. She wasn't meant to say that about Toothless, but she did and instantly regretted it. 

Even though Astrid talked to her about it, it still didn't make her feel better. She wanted to talk to Hiccup about it, but she was afraid that he was still mad about it, especially since she said something bad about his best friend. Because of that worry, she didn't even come down for dinner, continuing to lie in her bed. 

Suddenly, Martha heard the sound of the floor creaking. Her back was facing the door, but she knew someone was coming up the stairs, leading to her room. She didn't move, still facing the window. The creaking noise got louder until she felt her bed move a bit, indicating that the person was sitting on the edge of it. 

"You didn't come down for dinner." Her eyes grew at the familiar voice of Hiccup that it made her uncomfortable. 

"Didn't feel hungry." she said quietly. She then felt his hand on her shoulder. 

"Do you want to talk about something?" he asked. Martha didn't say anything, but only shook her head. 

Hiccup sighed. "I don't want you to think I'm mad. Surprised, maybe, but not mad. I was thinking about what you said and maybe... maybe you were right."

"No, I wasn't!" Martha suddenly got up, facing him. "I didn't mean to say that. I wasn't thinking and I just said it. I was wrong, dad." she exclaimed. 

"So, you didn't mean the things about Hilda?" Hiccup asked.

"Well,... no, not really." Martha sighed. She then shifted herself to the edge of her bed, sitting next to her father. "I get what you are doing. I really do, but..."

"Maybe what I said was a bit too much?" Hiccup said. Martha nodded. 

"We need to keep Starlight safe." he continued. "No one else knows about her and we don't know who would... want her... dead. We can't lose her. Not now."

Martha sighed. "I know. I understand."

"However, it's like you said. She's not Toothless."

"I told you, dad. I was wrong to say that."

"But I honestly think you were right." Martha had a confused expression, which prompted Hiccup to explain himself. 

"The moment I saw Starlight, I immediately thought of Toothless. I mean, why shouldn't I? He was my best friend. And that day... it still haunts me. An entire species gone in an instance. And I couldn't do anything."

"That's not your fault, dad. You've always blamed yourself for what happened, but you couldn't do anything. No one could!"

"But I still think it's my responsibility. I promised Toothless that nothing bad would ever happened to him, and,.. well..." He stopped, feeling overwhelmed from the situation.

Martha thought about it, before realising something for the first time. 

"So, you've been hard on Hilda and Starlight because you don't want the same thing happening to her?"

He nodded. "I can't let it happen again. So, what I said was not because I don't trust Hilda. Even though she can be stubborn."

"We all know that." she chuckled, which made Hiccup chuckle as well. This made Martha more at ease, happy that he wasn't mad at her. Then. an idea came into her mind. 

"You know, you could help Hilda with her training."

Hiccup raised his eyebrow at her, surprised at her idea. 

"She is doing well with training, but I feel she would do a lot better if the Night Fury master could help her before her Dragon Rider Trials."

He chuckled. "Was that meant to be a compliment?"

"Hey, I'm only saying the truth here." she smiled. 

He smiled back before taking a deep breath, thinking about the idea before answering. "I don't know, really." He then felt her hand on his shoulder.

"You're holding back, dad. You have been from the moment you met Starlight. I feel like it would be good. Not just for Hilda, but for you too. Can you at least think about it?"

Hiccup was surprised at the words his daughter said to him. Mainly because deep down, he knew it was true.

He smiled and nodded. "OK. I'll think about it."

Martha smiled. "Great! Anyway, I'm sorry for shouting at you today."

"Nah, it's OK. Besides, you're a teenager, so it was bound to happen." he joked. Martha laughed before giving him a hug, to which he happily returned. 

"Well, as such as I enjoyed this, I have some work to do, so I'll leave you to it." he mentioned. Martha nodded in agreement before letting go of him. Hiccup got up and started to head downstairs, but then he stopped. 

"Do you still want to eat?" he asked Martha. 

"Depends. What did mum make?" she asked.

Hiccup thought about it. "You know what? I'll just say you weren't hungry this whole time."

Martha laughed. "Sounds good. Thanks, dad." And with that, Hiccup headed downstairs, leaving Martha to herself. She gave a big sigh, realising all of the tension she had in her. She then remember what her mum said to her when she talked to her earlier in the day. 

"You won't know if your father is angry if you don't talk to him about it. You have to talk about the situation if you want it to get better."

She smiled at the thought, now fully understanding it and knowing she was right. She then leaned up against the wall of the bed, picked up her notebook, which was located on a desk next to her and began to make notes and small drawings. She then thought about the idea she told Hiccup. 

"I wonder if he'll do it." she thought, as she continued to entertain herself throughout the evening. 

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