This is Berk

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The ocean swayed side to side as the wind carried the waves across the vast bank. The bright blue sky, reflecting on the water, with almost no clouds in sight. The waves crashed upon the rocky, uneven cliff sides, with bits of water still clinging on before swiping back into the ocean. The sun shining as bright as the hottest fire being produced by the most raging of all of the dragons. Shining at the peak of the sky, signalling the afternoon, sending its rays towards a small village at the top of the cliffside.

Its buildings were small, but liveable. The streets were silent, which was unusual for a village full of loud Vikings. The only creatures wandering about were a flock of sheep. They were all huddled together, quickly moving from house to house, turning every corner for some sort of danger. As they move, they froze as the sun is blocked for a second. They looked up to see a dragon silhouette, covering the sun, with its wings stretching out, catching the wind underneath as it glides across the sky. 

The flock's movement doubled as they tried to reach a house on a small hill. However, one of the sheep couldn't keep up as its stubby legs were too short for it to run. The silhouette began to get larger and larger as it flies towards the poor little sheep, being able to spot it from miles away. The small sheep picked up its pace, trying to reach its herd, but it was too little too late, as the sheep was suddenly lifted up from the ground and reaching unimaginable heights.

The sheep bleated as loud as it could while also wriggling violently, trying to release itself from the dragon's grasp, which at closer inspection, turned out to be a purple Deadly Nadder. The Nadder looked down to take a look at the frightened sheep before flinging it up in the air. The sheep bleated even louder, flailing its legs in the process before falling back down. It is caught once again, but instead of being caught in the Nadder's claws, it was in the hands of a human. It looked up to see a young female Viking. She had dirty blonde hair, tied up in a high ponytail with some hair hanging on each side, and green eyes. She was wearing a light blue short-sleeved shirt, brown skirt and blue leggings. 

She smiled at the sheep, "Don't worry. It will all be over soon." She taped her foot against the sides of the Deadly Nadder and the dragon increased its speed, flying in between the houses to reach the main event.

A crowd of Vikings, sitting in rows and columns of seats, cheered as the young Viking rode on her Deadly Nadder, waving to the crowd before making her way towards a platform which has 5 baskets, with some containing a bunch of sheep, bleating in distress. Her eyes narrowed down as she lifted the sheep above her head and catapulted it towards her basket. However, just as the sheep was about to enter the basket, it is snatched mid-air by another Deadly Nadder. The Viking riding this one was a young female as well, but she had black hair tied back and has light blue eyes. She was wearing a green tunic with a light brown vest and brown trousers. 

"Linda, what the heck?" the blonde Viking exclaimed, clearly frustrated.

"Sorry, Martha, but it's not my fault you didn't think clearly enough." Linda mocked as she made a quick fly about before throwing the sheep into her basket, increasing her sheep count to 3.

The crowd cheered at the newly scored sheep, as a man, the Chief of Berk known as Hiccup, who was sitting on a chair on a wooden podium, stood up from his seat. He wore a fur cloak over his leather tunic with brown trousers. 

"That's 3 for Linda, 5 for Martha, 3 for Alric and so far none for Bjorn and Harold. But it's not over yet!" he proudly said before sitting back down, next to his wife, Astrid, who's wearing a red robe with a fur cloak as well. 

As Linda focused on the ground, searching for more sheep, she heard a voice of a female calling out to her. She looked about to see where the voice was coming from. It came from a young female Viking, who had short brown hair, a brown headband and the same colour eyes. She was wearing a red tunic over a dark green shirt and green trousers. Linda smiled as she led her green Deadly Nadder to the ground where the Viking was.

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