One Last Chance

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"So let me get this straight. You finally decided to have your own dragon, but you didn't want the 'default' ones we have. So, you went to the forest to have an elusive, wild, untrained dragon. Instead, you find something worse - an elusive, wild, untrained Night Fury! And because you don't know the ways of training dragons, you approached with no caution, brought it here to Berk, pointed a sword at it, tackled it and if we didn't intervened, it could have killed you."

Hilda was standing in front of Hiccup, hands behind her back, feeling both embarrassed and frustrated. It was bad enough she gets told off by her parents, but to get told off by the Chief of Berk? That was on a whole other level. 

After a few second of silence, Hilda finally answered. "I mean, yeah, if you put it that way..."

She had just woken up after fainting from her commotion with the Night Fury. There wasn't anyone about, even the dragon, but she found a note telling her to find them at the Great Hall. It was the evening, so there wasn't much people there. All except for Hiccup. 

Who wasn't practically happy. 

He sighed at her response before beginning to pace up and down, hands on his face.  

"Look, I know what I did was stupid..." Hilda said.

"Really? Because I get the feeling you didn't." Hiccup interrupted her. 

"But it's a Night Fury!" she continued. "Shouldn't you be happy about this?"

Hiccup stopped in his tracks, moving his hands to his waist and sighed. 

"This isn't about the Night Fury. This is about you putting yourself in unnecessary danger."

Hilda sighed. "I'm sorry, Hiccup. I wasn't thinking. I just... got too excited."

Hiccup sighed, removing his hands from his waist. "Right, the next morning, if the dragon is awake, we will release it and..."

"Wait, you mean I can't train it?!" Hilda exclaimed.

He gave a small chuckle in disbelief. "If you think I would after what happened..."

"It was a mistake! You have to let me!" she said angrily. 

"Look, this isn't a discussion. We're returning it to the wild tomorrow, that's it."


"No discussion!" Hiccup said sternly. Hilda was about to answer back again, but instead she gave an angry groan before stomping away. She pushed the doors open with both her hands where she saw Linda and Alric, waiting outside the Great Hall. 

"Hey, what happened?" Alric asked. 

"This is so not fair! I make one mistake and now I can't have a dragon!" she shouted, not stopping and continuing to march on in anger. Alric was about to go after her, but Linda stopped him.

"Don't worry. She'll come around. You know what she's like." Linda reminded them. 

"Yeah, being stubborn." Alric reminded her. Linda only replied with shrugging her shoulders.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The night had settled on Berk, plunging it into darkness with only a few candlelight on the window seal on some houses. The training ground was the only place in complete darkness, with the untrained (not wild) dragons all falling asleep peacefully in their cages - all except the Night Fury. 

It had woken up to the place enclosed all around with no obvious escape. It roared, fired at the wall, scratched it, all to no prevail. It felt like it was trapped, without knowing it was there to ensure no one knows about its existence. But it didn't matter to it. To them, they were in a place they feared they would be.

It lied on the ground, its eyes looking around, almost in a paranoid state. Then, suddenly, it peaked its head up when it heard a cracking noise outside. Soon, the noise stopped. Then, one of the doors opened slightly. A yellow light came through the gap. It got brighter and brighter before it became clear what the source was - a candle being held with a small candle holder. Someone then walked through the gap holding it. That person was Hilda. 

The Night Fury quickly got up and growled at her. But for the first time, she didn't seem scared. She just walked slowly up to it, with no fear at all. The Night Fury soon stopped growled and just stared at her with caution. 

Hilda placed the candle onto the ground before continuing to walk. She then sat down, with her knees up and her back against the wall. The Night Fury sat down as well, still staring at her. She looked around the room, not wanting to make direct eye contact with it. 

"So,... this is... awkward." she said, with an awkward laugh to go with it. She finally looked at the dragon. It was still sitting, still staring. Hilda noticed its eyes, while still narrow, were a bit wider this time. 

Hilda then took a deep breath. "OK. I, umm... came here to say that I'm sorry. For acting a bit... crazy." She made a circle motion with her finger on the side of her head. The Night Fury was still motionless, but it tilled its head to its side, like it's not sure what to make of this scenario. 

After what felt like hours of silence, Hilda quickly got up and left. She then came back with a bag. She went back to her previous position and from the bag, pulled out a fish. The Night Fury's eyes grew at the site of it, wide and round for the first time.

"I bet you're hungry. I hope you can take it as a token of my apology." Hilda said. She began crawling up to the Night Fury, keeping a good distance as she placed the fish on the floor before crawling back to her position. 

The Night Fury was as confused as ever. It looked at the fish, then at Hilda, who was smiling at it. It did this a few more times, before finally moving from its position, slowly walking up to the fish. It looked at Hilda once more before grabbing the fish and eating it in one whole gulp.

Hilda smiled as she went into the bag again and pulled out another fish. The Night Fury gave a small yelp at this wonderful site. She then threw the fish at it and the dragon grabbed it, eating it almost immediately. 

Hilda laughed. "I'm glad you like it." She did this a few more, with the dragon eating it all without a care in the world. Sadly, for the dragon, the fish was all gone. 

"Sorry. Maybe I can get more for you tomorrow." she mentioned. Then, the Night Fury looked confused, noticing that Hilda looked down in sadness once she said this. 

"I understand why Hiccup wants to release you. But,... I want to train you. I want to at least try. But, maybe I'm just not cut out for it." She then felt a small breeze in her hair. She looked up and was shocked to see the Night Fury, so close to her face. 

But its expression - it wasn't of fear, angry, but was calm, almost friendly. Hilda felt like she was holding her breath for this moment, a moment she believed could only happening in her dreams. 

Suddenly, the dragon's eyes turned a little bit narrower before quickly turning away, walking further away, blasting its fire on the ground in a circle before lying down on the scorched marks.

Hilda felt her heart beating fast, she felt she could faint again, but she stopped herself, considering she did that too many times today. 

After staying still for a minute, she got up, picked up the candle and blew out the fire. She then went back to her place, a bit further away from the wall, and lied down on her side. 

She looked at the Night Fury, gave a smile before falling asleep.

"Maybe there's a chance..."

The Last Night Fury (A HTTYD Future AU)Where stories live. Discover now