Chapter 1: The River's Edge

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  Dedicated to Marley J. Muehlhauser

"Are you scared Jason?" asked Cheryl Blossom to her fellow twin brother, Jason Blossom. Jason shook his short, red, pale head no. They were at the Sweetwater River for an early morning boat ride.

As they were riding the boat, Cheryl's white, silk glove cached into the Riverdale wind and laned into the water. Jason went to get it and the boat sunk as well Jason. Cheryl made it back onto land and sat on a big rock until Dilton Doiley and his Boy Scout troop were on a bird-watching expedition and they found Cheryl, in her white dress that was now soaked with mascara running down her soft, pale face.

"Jason" she whispered.

Cheryl then woke up from her terrifying dream of her brothers last moments with her. "Cheryl!" yelled Penelope Blossom, Cheryl's mother. "Keep quiet! I have a client downstairs and you know what the rule is with clients over." Cheryl sighed as she was getting over her recap with what happened while sleeping. "I know but mumsy, it was a dream about JJ and how I spent my last moments with him and you know how that gets me!" said Cheryl as she was holding on to her mother's hands. "I don't care! Go to bed you ungrateful little brat!" said Penelope as she slammed Cheryl's door.

Cheryl shook her head in disbelief and got out of her bed. To go get her letters. The letters she 'sent' to all the boys and girls she's ever loved.

To All The Boys and Girls I've Loved BeforeWhere stories live. Discover now