Chapter 8: The Outsiders

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"What time is it?" asked Cheryl very sleepy. "What, cha-cha?" answered back Toni. "I said what time is it?" Cheryl picked up her phone to look at the time, 10:27 p.m. "Oh my god, Toni wake up! It's like 10:30! WAKE UP ANTOINETTE!  Babe, I'm up! Nevermind, I forgot, I don't see my grousing mother till Saturday because she's staying at her favorite client's house, Benard Arthur's house. But Toni, can I talk to you for a sec." Toni then got up from her sleeping. What is it, babe? Okay since we're official, girlfriends, I think it would be a good idea for us to be part of each other's world. You be a River Vixen and I be a South Side Serpent. Cher, to me that sounds like a plan. When I was younger, my sister, Maria Topaz, used to be a River Vixen. I used to love going to the games and going with my grandpa. It was the best. It was the best till she died in a car accident of some stupid guy. I'm sorry, T. What was his name? I don't know but his installs were CB. I'm sorry Toni for your loss. It's okay, really it's fine. To make you feel better, do you want to go to Pops? Sure." As they were getting their clothes back on,  Cheryl was thinking, she knew her dad used to be a very heavy drinking addict. And that he got in an accident but left the scene exactly after it happened. And nearby the scene he carved his installs into a  tree. Cheryl just let get off her mind so she could go to Pops with her girlfriend.

"Jug?" asked Betty as she was turning over to Jughead's side of the bed. "Yes?" said Jughead tried. "That was amazing, I guess you would say. Well thanks, Cooper." What do you want to do? I would want to go to Pops but my mom's going to kill the hell out of me if I don't get home right away, so do you want to go on a walk to my house? Sure." As Betty was putting her pink flats back on while Jughead was putting his beanie back on, Betty realized something? Did she forget to put on protection? Then she realized she didn't. "Oh my god," she said to herself in her head, "I'm having Jughead Joneses baby!"

Veronica and Archie were sleeping next to each other in Veronica grand, castle-like bed. Veronica's phone then went off with text messages and missed calls from Betty.

Betty Cooper: Veronica Cecilia Lodge, call me ASAP! I just got back from Jughead's trailer and I did something, just call me!

Betty Cooper: V! Call me ASAP! 

28 missed calls from: Betty Cooper

"Archie! Wake up!" said Veronica as she was going in her closet to put on an outfit to go to the Cooper's house. "Veronica, what the hell is going on?" said Archie confused and sleepy. " I have to go to B's and you have to go home. NOW. Okay, but why? I have like 28 missed calls from her and texts saying 'Call me ASAP, I did something at Jughead's trailer.' What did she do at Jughead's trailer? Like, have sex with him or something? Cause if they did, Jughead's getting punched! Archie, we legit just had sex, shut the fuck up. Now come on so Andre can drive us to you and Betty's house."

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