Chapter 16: The Watcher In The Woods

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"I look good Toni, right? " asked Cheryl as she was in front of the hotel door of Nick St. Clairs. at the Four Seasons. "Cheryl, you look beautiful, like always." Nick opened the door to find Cheryl and Toni standing in front of it. "Girls! Cheryl and Toni right? Yes, indeed!" said, Cheryl, as she put her red, frisky fingernails into his brown curly hair. "Cheryl Blossom and you are, Nick St. Clair? Correct, Cherrybomb. And who's the pink haired girl? Toni Topaz, my girlfriend. And I see your part of the Serpents. Yes I am." said Toni as she put the collar on her serpent jacket up. "Let's talk more inside with all of our friends." Nick welcomed Cheryl and Toni inside as they saw Josie and her pussycats, Kevin, Archie and Veronica, and even Reggie, that had 3 kids with Josie. "Josie! Cheryl!" Josie and Cheryl ran over to each other and hugged. "Oh my god, Jos, you look amazing after, having 3 kids in a 2-year time span! How is Ella, Abigail, and Violet? They're good. Reggie stays home now and he's always tired so once he heard about tonight, oh my god Cher, he jumped up and down but poor baby Violet cried her heart out but he was excited. But other than that, just write and obviously perform with my Pussycats. We're actually supposed to perform at Madison Square Garden at the end of the month so catch me on MTV and VH1! Oh my god! Congrats, Jos! Thanks!" Toni hand motion Cheryl to come over there so Josie and Cheryl said their goodbyes and went outside to talk. 

"Betty, it's okay," said Jughead as she was holding on to Betty. "Jughead, I did something bad. I got mad at my mom for getting married to the love of her life. And I'm the one who got mad at her for it. Did she get mad at me for it when she I got together with you or we found out I was pregnant with Evelyn? No, she didn't. But you know what I did? Get mad at my mom for getting engaged to my father in law. Yeah, it sounds weird but if I should support it. But no, I just went ahead and been an ungrateful little brat. Betts it okay. At first yeah, I was a little mad at my dad for it but I realized they need each other. Hell, they've always needed each other. After founding out your dad was a serial killer thing and plus my dad being an accessory to murder, they've always needed each other. Just like we needed each other." Betty and Jughead look at each other and began to go closer and closer to each other. "Mommy and Daddy, can you tuck me into the bed?" Betty and Jughead laughed. They had just kissed and their daughter saw them but hey, definitely wasn't the first time. "Yes sweetness, go pick out a book from the library and I'll be in your room in a second. Okay momma," Evelyn ran to Jughead and they hugged each other tightly while saying the words good night. "Night Eve, Night Daddy, love you. Love you too baby girl." Betty was in happiness after her darkness went over her since her 2 favorite people were making her smile. "I'll be back Jug, okay." mouthed both Jughead and Betty. 

"Veronica? Are you okay to go to the party?" asked Archie as he was on Simmons Pkwy in West Riverdale driving to Nick St. Clairs party. "Archie," said Veronica. "Just go, oh Dios Mio Archie. Veronica! You passed out on the floor of the damn hotel! Veronica, what's up with you? You, not what, Archibald, what's up with you and Betty hanging out all the time? Or when we're back in New York, talking on the phone all the time. For your information Veronica, she's my best friend and if you really want to know, I was talking to her about having kids." Veronica was surprised. She thought her and her husband were having an affair but she wasn't 100% sure since Betty is pregnant with her Jughead's second child. "I've actually been talking to her about it for a while. Veronica, I want to have kids with you, a- a family. Yeah, Arch I've been thinking the same, for a while. And there's something I need to tell you when we had you know what in the shower today, we, we forget to use protection. Archie, I think I may be pregnant. And if you want to get a divorce it's fine. I would just want you to be there for the baby. Veronica Cecilia Lodge, why? Why would you think like that?" Archie then put his hand on Veronica's little olive-skinned hands and held them while driving, "I love you and I would never ever divorce you, even if it meant something bad for me. And if we did divorce, I would always take care of you and the baby. And I would love to have a bisexual baby momma." Archie and Veronica both laughed at that. "But seriously, if you are pregnant, I'm with you every single step of the way."

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