Chapter 26: The Tell-Tale Heart

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"What do yall even want? Coming to my hotel? I thought back when we were young, yall hated me? What's with the sudden change?" said Nick as she drank his martini, well his 4th martini but you get the point. Veronica, in her all black 'saving Riverdale' suit, with Betty, in her Serpent Jacket on her with her her down, Archie, with his blue jeans and a white tee, and Jughead, with his Serpent Jacket on with his combat boots locked and loaded, looked at Nick as he drank his drinks in suspense. "We just wanted to, you know, pay a little visit!" said Veronica. "Yeah, we just wanted to say hi to our favorite party boy!" said Betty. "Yeah, I'm in town too, get my child. You're having a child?" said Archie. "Cheryl Blossom. It was a one night stand with us, and we just hit it off. But she got pregnant cause when I went to the market to pick up some, untiles, I saw her with her elephant of a body walking down the aisles. We chatted a little, and you know, made a connection. What kind of connection?" asked Jughead with his hands in crossed with each other. "Oh, you know, the kisses and flirts, the usual with Cheryl." The Core Four shook their heads in not 'Ya Cheryl would totally do that" cause she wouldn't, but in disbelief with how much a playboy Nicholas St. Clair was. 

"Cheryl? What did Nick tell you at that grocery store? Cause I know you will tell me sooner or later." said Toni while she paced back and forth of the Five Seasons lounge bathroom. "Toni, if I say what he said to anyone, he'll take Blythe away from me the second shes out of me. I can't let that happen to her TT, not to our Blythe," said  Cheryl slid down onto the floor and then she felt a tight knot strat forming in her stomach, but it wasn't a knot. "Cheryl? Cheryl, what's wrong?" said Toni as she rushed to Cheryl and kneed down to the floor. "There's this knot in my stomach that, AHH!" As Cheryl yelled, water started gushing onto Toni's shoes. "Oh my, Cheryl babe, you're, your having, a b-b-baby. Come on, I'm carrying you into the car." Cheryl went down from Toni's arms as she looked at Toni crazy. "You're not carrying me, Toni I can still walk." Cheryl carefully opened the door until she went on to her knees, breathing at a fast pace. Toni got Cheryl legs, as she breathed harder and harder, and took her to the car. "Come on baby, let's go. Toni, where are we going?" Toni looked at Cheryl as she still looked beautiful even in pain, she put her long, ginger, hair behind her, she said the words, "We're going to go have a baby." 

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