Chapter 17: The Town That Dreaded Sundown

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"Toni, again why are you leaving?" asked Cheryl with a mix if mad and confused cause Toni was leaving the party. "Because Cheryl, this Nick St. Clair guys seems sketchy. And didn't you say he did something to Veronica back in high school? Yes, TT, he, he raped Veronica but he's apparently a brand new person since he got help from friends and family plus with the help of rehab. Cheryl! Do you not get the damn picture?" Toni rubbed her fingers on her temple while getting anxiously with Cheryl. "He raped a girl! He got, he got Veronica pregnant and she had to have an, an abortion. And you know that but you're supporting a rapist at the same time. I shouldn't be surprised, it's just a classy Blossom move. Really, Toni? You're going to do this to me? After what we've been through? From when you went to the ER after your motorcycle accident to me having mental breakdowns? You're really going to get mad at me? You know what Toni, fine! Go ahead and go! I could care less. You seem to not care about your girlfriend who's trying to have your kid! Cheryl, all I'm trying to say is that this dude seems sketchy and well, just plain out simple wrong. If you're not agreeing with me on stuff Cheryl," Toni hesitated for a second as she said too but realized it was the right thing to do, "Cheryl, I think we need to go our own separate ways." Cheryl's brown eyes filled up with tears as Toni walked down the hallway to the elevator. The elevator opened, Toni looked at Cheryl that now had tears running down her face, and it opened and just like that, left. Cheryl and Toni had just lost it. They had lost the loves of their lives. They couldn't or wouldn't be able to handle it. Not the pet names Cher and TT, the good morning kisses and the most important ones, I love you. Choni had officially left its spark, for now. "What's wrong babe?" said a familiar voice behind Cheryl's back. Cheryl turned around to find the Nick St. Clair looking at her. "First of all don't call me babe, bastard. And second of all I just broke up with my girlfriend of 6 years." Nick looked at her with a smirk on his face and with an answer of, "I'm sorry, do you want a drink of some lovey champagne? " Cheryl decided no in her head in her but after her night just turned the wrong way, she deiced fuck it, let's get crazy tonight. "Don't mind if I do Nicholas." Cheryl took the drink out of Nicks' hand and drank it as she had never drunk a drink like champagne before. Little did Ms. Cheryl Blossom know that Nick heard her and Toni's convo and poured a drink and put a white pill into the drink to get her raped.

Toni was walking around Thistlehouse, her and Cheryl's home. Looking at the pictures of there memories together, like the time they went to New York and were on the top of the Empire State Building and they kissed or when they went to Paris France and they were on the top of the Effiel Tower and they held each other hand in the snow. Then Toni then just started crying and crying. "Maybe Cheryl was right," thought Toni in her head. "Maybe she was right that Nick. That he got help by rehab and family and friends. But no, I didn't believe my girlfriend of 6 years and she did anything for me." And Toni just kept on crying for 4 more hours until she fell asleep of her and Cheryl's bedroom, on Cheryl's side.

"Are you okay, babe?" said Nick to Cheryl as they were dancing. Cheryl shook her head while she was doozy and sluggish. "Hey, is she okay?" asked both Veronica and Josie. "Yeah girls, I'm going to take her into my bedroom so she can, rest." Veronica and Josie looked at him crazy but realized since he's 'changed' it would be okay for him and Cheryl to go in a room together. The door closed and the door was locked. Cheryl was laid out on the white bed Nick took off his gray blazer, unbuckled his belt and took off his pants. He then took Cheryl's dress of but she then hit him with her pale, white knuckles. "D-don't t-t-touch m-me," she said slowly and jittery. "Cheryl Marjorie Blossom," Nick pulled out a pocket knife out of the inside of his suit. "Or I will cut those ginger locks of yours off." Cheryl then got back onto the bed and Nick got right on top of Cheryl and did something that no one can describe. Only one word can describe it, rape.

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