Chapter 10: The Lost Weekend

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"Betty? Are you ready?" asked Jughead to Betty as he was sitting on her bed. "Yes, Jughead I'm ready. I've missed my period and we didn't use protection that night. Well, at least if you are pregnant, the baby will not have parents that are not together since, on Friday, we deiced to all be together with each other, officially. Yeah, that's true Jug." It had been a week since Betty had sex with Jughead and had missed her period. She needed to take a pregnancy test to make sure she wasn't going to have a mini Serpent at the age of 16. Betty closed the door to her bathroom door to take the pregnancy test. Inside Jughead's mind, he knew he wasn't ready to be a father at sixteen and Betty wasn't ready to be a mom a sixteen. He already had Serpent meetings every Friday and just being king of the serpents. Betty opened the door 6 minutes later to her hand covered on her mouth with tears running down her face. "Jug! Look at it!" screamed Betty. "Betts! It's okay!" said Jughead as he was getting the pregnancy test and having Betty sit down on her vanity chair. He looked at the pregnancy test that had 2 lines on it. They both looked at each other in shock. Jughead Jones and Betty Cooper were going to have a child.

"TT, can I tell you something?" asked Cheryl nervously. "Sure, Cher. What is it? If you get mad at me for it, it's okay. Cher, unless you did something bad (which I know you never will), I won't be mad. Now, what is it? Okay, me and Veronica used to date. Well, I don't know if you would call it dating but we had sex. Okay? Cher, I'm with you now and all that matters is that as long as your okay, I'm okay. Thank for understanding Toni. That's why you're my favorite person on earth. In Riverdale at least." Cheryl and Toni's hands were somehow sliding together on Toni's bed. And then as their hands were sliding there lips were siding toward each other. Cheryl got on Toni while Toni held her back to make sure she didn't fall. Cheryl's black shirt and green shorts came off her body to only on her, her red bra and red underwear. "You're so hot right now," said Toni slowly. "Tell me something I don't know, Antoniette." They did slide into Toni's gray comforter and their rest I can't tell you cause it was the second time.

"Arch, we need to talk," said Veronica more nervous per the usual. "Sure, babe. What's up?" said Archie in his cool dude voice, as he would say. "Okay, Arch, I-" Then Veronica's phone started ringing while she was still on the phone with Archie. It was Betty. "What does Bet- OH MY GOD. Archie, I'm going to have to call you back later. I need to go to Betty's asap. Okay, just come to my house after to talk about. I need to go to Moose's anyways. Bye V. Bye Arch." 

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