Chapter 5: Heart of Darkness

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"We shouldn't do this" whispered Cheryl. "Totally," whispered Veronica as she got closer to Cheryl's red, plump lips. They were in Cheryl's canopy bed, supposed to be doing math homework. But they started talking about how Jason, Cheryl's twin brother that died on the 4th of July at Sweetwater River. *flashback to earlier before hooking up* "Jason would've adored you." said Cheryl. "You think?" said Veronica. "Yeah, your basically his dream girl! He always wanted a Raven Haired girlfriend." Cheryl stared getting closer to Veronica's olive like skin and pulled a strand of her raven hair to her ear. "Uh, Cheryl? What are you doing? Kissing you, don't you want that? Jason wanted a Raven Haired girl so I'm going to give it to him. "CHERYL!" screamed Veronica. Luckily Penelope and Nana Rose out so didn't hear the horrific scream. "Veronica, I'm sorry I did that, I just miss JJ and I want to give him want he needs and what I," Cheryl nervously laughed, need possibly.  Well, Cher, I can give it to you? If you want!" They both laughed, but they both knew they made what each one of them meant. Veronica got closer to Cheryl's red, plump lips. "We shouldn't do this, whispered Cheryl, Totally." And even though they both knew they shouldn't have done that they did it. And they did for 3 more weeks too.

"Cher?" said Veronica. "Yes V?" said Cheryl. Veronica but her raven head onto Cheryl's shoulder. "I don't think we should be hooking up anymore." Cheryl looked up at Veronica like she was crazier than hell. "We haven't told anyone, for heaven's sake, I haven't even told Betty and you haven't even told Josie, your own best friend!  Cheryl got out of Veronica's silk, purple bed as she started circling around her room. "Veronica Cecilia Lodge!" screamed Cheryl. "Cheryl Marjorie Blossom!" screamed Veronica."We're having an affair that no one even knows about!  We're not even in a relationship, last time I checked. Cher, I know but it feels like one.  But, STILL. They then looked at each other into there dark brown and light brown eyes. Then a kiss blossomed in their lips. "CHERYL!" screamed Veronica once and for all. "Get out," said Veronica. "Not until you te- Cheryl, get the hell out of my house before I kill you." Cheryl felt like a deer in the headlights at that very second. Cheryl got her purse, but her shoes on and opened up Veronica to massive bedroom doors. Hiram and Hermione looked at Cheryl as her black heels touched the ground of the Pembroke flooring. "Leaving so soon Cheryl?" said Hiram. "Yeah, yall just got here like 20-30 minutes ago." also said Hermonie. "Oh, no Mr. and Mrs. Lodge, me and Veronica just got in a heated argument, that's all," said Cheryl as she tried to push back tears in her light brown eyes. "Oh, well okay Cheryl, be safe on the way home! Bye, Cheryl!" said both Hiram and Hermonie. Cheryl didn't say anything but walk out of the Pembroke feeling miserable and alone and maybe possibly finding the love of her life. While Veronica, back in the Pembroke, Veronica was calling, her best friend, Betty Cooper, for milkshakes at Pops. "Hey Betts, it's me, Veronica. Can we meet up at Pops? I think I need to talk to you about something. Sure, V! I was helping Archie with some homework but I just come back later. Okay, meet you in 10-15 minutes? Okay, deal. See you then! Bye."  

Betty was looking on Jughead Joneses Instagram while waiting for her best friend, Veronica Lodge, at Pops Chocklit Shoppe. "He's so hot!" said Betty inside her mind. "God, Toni is so lucky to have him. There probably THE Serpent Couple. Oh well, Betty, you have the most popular guy in the school who's on the Varsity Football Team and you're a River Vixen. But he is h-" The bell rang and it was Veronica Lodge that Betty set her green eyes on. 

"So V, what wrong?" asked Betty to Veronica while sipping her strawberry milkshake made by Pop Tate himself. "B, don't judge me, but l-l hooked up with Cheryl. Cheryl Blossom." Betty stopped drinking her milkshake in midtime. Veronica stared having tears run down her face. Betty went over to Veronica's side of the booth."V, it's okay. Just remember, I'm your best friend. You can trust me." Veronica shook her head saying, "I know B, but I called it quits, she didn't want to make this stop!" Veronica kept crying while Betty was holding her. All that was going thourgh Betty's head was, "Do I like a Southside Serpent?"

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