Chapter 13: The Sweet Hereafter (Season 1 Finale)

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"Toni, babe, I messed up big time," said Cheryl in tears of frustration. "Cher, just because of you and Betty arguing into an argument about how yall both South Side Serpents (for some whatever reason) does not mean you're a failure Cheryl. Remember, just because of your, not an HBIC cause of your wicked family, does not mean your still, not an HBIC. In some people's eyes, your not an HBIC" Toni got closer to Cheryl and put her finger on the top of chin to raise up, "But you're my HBIC."Cheryl and Toni both hugged each other and then Toni said words that made both their eyes lit up, "Let's make it official, tonight." Cheryl's frown that was upside down, went back up on the right side. 

"Mom, Mr. Jones, we came here to talk to yall about something that's very, important," said Betty as she was holding Jugheads hand in a booth at Pops. Today was the day that Bughead was going to tell everyone that they were expecting a baby. Yeah, it was going to be reverting but relieved because of all the stress to them. Yeah, they couldn't believe that they were going to have a kid at 16 years of age, but they had so much chemistry that they thought they were ready to become parents. "Well what is it, Elizabeth?" said Alice with her cup of tea in hand. "Yeah, boy, what is it?" also said FP. Betty and Jughead looked at each other, shook their head and Jughead said the 6 more words that may have been the scariest words to say of all time, "Betty is pregnant, with our baby." Alice and FP were not ready to choke Jughead right away but were actually sorta understanding about it. "Oh Jughead and Betty," said FP. Bughead looked at each other in confusion. They were surprised that Sherrif Keller and Mayor McCoy weren't already there to arrest FP and calm Alice down from yelling and punching Jughead for getting Betty pregnant. "We aren't happy that you got pregnant at a young age but we're glad," said Alice. "Really, mom?" began Betty. "I remember the first day of the sophomore year that you had a talk to me about not getting pregnant." They all laughed. "Yeah, I was right, I hoped you didn't get pregnant because I didn't want you going through my struggles when I was pregnant as a teenager, you guys age actually. Everyone stared at me like I was some type of weird ass girl that got pregnant with some dudes baby. Yeah, I didn't mean to get pregnant but it was the best thing to happen to me cause I wouldn't be able to have your brother, your sister and most important you and your baby Elizabeth. Mom, I understand, I really do. Yeah, it will be tough but with the help from all of, you mom Mr. Jones, Archie, Veronica, and more, we'll be able to do this." They all put their hands in the middle and looked at each other and smiled. Yeah, it was going to be hard as hell to raise a child, but Betty, Alice, Jughead ad FP knew that if they all did this together, Bughead's baby would be probably be the golden child of Riverdale.

Mmmm was the ring going off Archies phone. "Ronnie?" said Archie tiredly. Veronica was snoring her butt off in Archie's plaid pillow but gracefully like always. Archie shook her while saying 'Ronnie' at least a dozen times. "Yes, Archikins?" said Veronica as she was getting up. "So, what did you want to talk to me about cause now I have this vibe that I need to know now." Archie laughed but Veronica was nervous as hell. She didn't know how her boyfriend was going to take it when she was going to come out as Bisexual. Shit, she had only came out to like 2 people, Betty and Cheryl. "Uh, Archie. Before I say this if you hate me, it's okay. Veronica, I think I know what you are trying to say, your bisexual. Yeah, I sorta have been knowing this." Veronica was know even more nervous and now confused.  How did he know and was he going to accept her was the only thing booming in Veronica's sharp mind. "Archie, that was half of what I was going to say. The other half is that I hooked up with Cheryl. Okay, Ronnie? Do you think I care?" stared off Archie. "Veronica Cecilia Lodge, I love you. I've loved you since the 2nd grade and I always will. Cheryl was a lucky girl because anyone that has you in your life should be lucky." Veronica was teared up. She had never heard anyone say that to her the way that Archie did. They were both lucky to have each other. 

"Cheryl you ready?" said Toni. "I think I am," answered Cheryl back. "As long as they accept me I'll be okay an- Cher, the except you. They may seem like a biker gang but on the inside there so sweet and humble." Cheryl shook her head nervously as she waited for her special moment, in her lifetime. "Okay, SERPENTS!" yelled FP. "I have a thing t that I need to stay, Jughead can you step up here, please. Um, Toni what's going on? I don't know, this definitely doesn't happen every Serpent meeting." Jughead and FP stood up on the Serpent podium. "I'm retiring from the serpents. Yeah, yeah sad," said FP as the Serpents booed. "But I think yall like your replacement king, please let me respent your new Serpent king,  Forsythe Pendleton Jones the third!" claps boomed the sky and air as Jughead was the new Serpent king. "The serpents will never die out, not on my watch." Jughead pointed towards Cheryl, she took off her jacket she was wearing, walked gracefully towards Jughead to but on, her new South Side Serpent jacket in red. Toni smiled as she and her girlfriend were now Serpents Princess. As claps boomed, Cheryl went towards Toni and kissed her and whispered the words "I love you, My serpent princess." "Now Cheryl," Toni said, "welcome to my family." 

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