Chapter 15: Nighthawks

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"So TT, what are we doing today? " asked Cheryl as she sipped her tea. "Well, during the daytime, not too much but at night, fun. We're going to some dudes name Nick St. Clair's party. He must be rich or something because I got an alert on my phone saying that he arrived at Riverdale Airport. Yeah, Veronica and I talked on the phone about that once. She said that when she used to live in NYC, that she and Nick were the ones to party with. So basically, the popular kids. Like you, Cheryl?" Cheryl but down her tea and hesitated, " Yeah, I was popular, but I was battling with demons that hurt a lot. My family, my own self.  But I did stuff to control that. I had gotten you, thanks to my lucky stars, a family that cared about me (the serpents), and I had gotten Thornhill redone and thanks to me, we live here again. Yup, all you Cheryl and I proud of you for that." began Toni. "Your one of the most caring, sweet and loving people I've met. And you are too Toni. If wasn't for you, I wouldn't be here right now. Cher, please, don't say stuff like that. I only go to the future, not the past! I know TT, and speaking of the future, IVF time!" Cheryl and Toni had been together for now 8 years so they thought they were ready to be together and have a family so they did a process called IVF so that hopefully, Cheryl could hopefully get pregnant with a baby boy or girl of Choni's dreams. "Babe, is it working?" asked Cheryl as Toni was putting a needle into Cheryl. "I just did it, Cher, let us wait for a second so the thing can say 'successful' or 'unsuccessful'. I know Toni, it's just that." Cheryl walked over to the red couch and lay down  "We've been doing this, every morning, for a year straight and still nothing has worked. It's just, so stressful, I just want our child and move on! Babe, and it will happen. Our lucky stars will make it happen, okay? Okay." Cheryl went closer to Toni's face and whispered, "This is why I love you, Topaz. And that's why I love you, Blossom."

"Wow Jug, you sure do know how to cook," said FP as he but a stuff of pancakes into his mouth "Yeah Dad. Betty says I'm a good cook but most nights me and Evelyn still go to Pops to go see Betty and eat something there too. I'm not surprised you too do." said Alice. "I'm not either Mom, whenever Jughead or I am off we just spend the day at Pops. I can't wait till Evelyn gets older and can go to Pops with her friends." Jughead looked at Betty like she was crazy. "Why are you looking like that Jug? Because I don't want Evelyn to grow up! She's my baby," Jughead ran up to Evelyn and put her up in the sky and catch it's her," I don't want her to grow up too fast, okay. Well, son." began FP. "I understand. I didn't want you or Jellybean to grow up but look at you guys now. Jellybeans in college and you are r sexy with Betty and have two kids. And I have my soon to be wife," FP and Alice held each other's hands while saying it. "Wait, Mom, what do you mean by soon to be wife? Um, Betty and Jughead, FP proposed to me when we were in Paris, so we're getting married." Betty couldn't believe it. So did Jughead. "Get out, now," said Betty more furious than the Fast and the Furious Movies. "Bett- out. Both of yall. If you want to talk to Evelyn, call the home phone. Betts, you don't ha- Jughead Jones, you'll be out with them." Jughead stopped talking. "Talk to you later, Elizabeth. Since your not happy for me. Now you think about, who was there for you in the birthing classes, the doctor appointments or your first night in the hospital? I was! I was, Elizabeth Cooper!" Evelyn stared having tears run down her pretty light skin, including Betty, Jughead, Alice and hell FP. "You're scaring Eve, so just go. Fine, come on FP." Alice went over to kiss her granddaughter but Evelyn got away from her before the kiss. Alice then got up from her knees, pulled down her dress, gracefully walked towards the door while grabbing FP wrists. Betty had an ocean full of tears in her eyes. She knew she shouldn't have done it but it was her Dark Betty coming back to her. 

"Babe? What dress should I wear?" asked Veronica to Archie as she held up two dresses. "Well, Ronnie, you sexy in either one, soo.. shut up Archikins!" Veronica and Archie leaned into each other for a kiss. "I liked what happened in the shower, Archikins. I did too Ronnie. And by the way, I think the silver dress looks better. Thanks" said, Veronica, as she winked. Veronica went to go get the streamer from their hallway closet until she realized something crucial. If you think about it, the thing was more crucial than the time she left her pearls in the school hallway. She forgot to use protection with Archie in the shower. "Hey Arc.. is it getting dizzy in her-" Veronica fell backward in the hallway of there hotel suite. 

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