Memories And Tears

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Gilbert's POV

"Okay. Umm... You-you look nice." of course that was the first thing that came out of my mouth. I mentally face-palmed myself.

"Thank you." answered Anne in a monotone.

I started to freak out. I didn't even know why. It was just my Anne. It was just all these old feelings came back. I thought that they were long gone now.

"Hello." I tried again.

"Hello." answered Anne and she picked up her notebook. "We will need to add the 'no kissing rule' now."

She avoided to look at me.


"Also, never talk about what happened today." said Anne, nodding.

"I object." I said, as I felt my heart slowly breaking.

"Just sign here." said Anne as she gave me her notebook.

I held the notebook and looked at it for about five seconds or so. Until, I threw it at the end of her room and it fell with a loud thud.

"What is wrong with you?" said Anne as she pushed me to the left and went to pick up her notebook.

"You are my problem, Anne. For once talk about things instead of avoiding them. It will be better this way." I said getting more upset as each second passed by.

"There is nothing to talk about."

"Yes, there is."

"The kiss was a mistake." said Anne as she looked at me with fury.

I felt tears starting to well up in my eyes. I cleared my throat and looked at her. I turned cold.

"Maybe, this whole thing was a mistake."

"Maybe, it was." agreed Anne as she crossed her arms.

"Yeah. It's over then." I said as I became really angry and picked the notebook from her hands and tore the page with the rules in half and gave it back at her.

"Hey. Do you know how expensive this is?" asked Anne now getting mad too.

"Not as expensive as our friendship. That we had for over ten years now. Now, you can go ahead and ask out a guy that you like, how does Billy sound?"

Then, her face turned red. Maybe, I went a bit too far. Nothing that she would say would be nice.

"I wish you never saved me that day. Then, I wouldn't be in this situation." whispered Anne.

"That's how we became friends." I said as my angry feelings were replaced by hurt.

"Exactly." said Anne, coldly. But, I knew her better than that. I could see that she was starting to tear up. I could see the regret in her eyes. I could see that all she wanted was to get lost in her imagination. So, I did her a favor and walked outside her bedroom.

As soon as I entered mine. I started to cry. Yes, me and Anne fought before but never like this. I could hear her sobbing. I put my hands on my face and started to sob myself.

Flashback Begins

"I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading! How much sooner one tires of any thing than of a book! -- When I have a house of my own, I shall be miserable if I have not an excellent library."

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