Chapter 2

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Me and dad were sat in the RV. He had his arm around me and I leaned on his shoulder. Almost everyone we come across see him as a villain, but he's the best dad I could ever have. Mom died when I was young, I could barely remember her, but dad has always been there for me. He's protected me since day one. "Are you ok sweetheart?" I looked at dad and smiled, "yeah dad. Just a bit cold." Dad kissed me on my head, put Lucille on the RV table and wrapped his arms around me. "Is that better baby?" I looked up and smiled at dad "thank you daddy." He kept his arms around me for a good 10 minutes to keep me warm, then there was a knock on the RV door. Dad smiled at me. "Come on darling, it's show time." Dad held his hand out and I took it as we left the RV, to see the Saviours standing around several Alexandrians kneeling on the floor. One of them was a boy about my age, with shoulder-length black hair, one of his eyes covered and a cowboy hat.

Me and dad left the RV and my dad said really loud. "Well looky here. I believe we haven't been introduced. I'm Negan. Which one of you is the leader?" Dwight pointed to the one in the Sheriff uniform. "He is. His name is Rick. He had this." He showed my dad a small hatchet. Dad laughed. "Now you killed several of our men. You see we just wanted you to work with us Rick but what do you do? You kill our men and then you kill more of our men! Now it wouldn't be fair now unless we returned the favour. Don't you agree Saviours?" Myself and the Saviours agreed with dad and he gave me a small wink before turning back to Rick, who was giving him the death glare. "Now which one of you do I kill?" Dad started to pace up and down reciting "Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe..." and he stopped in front of a big muscular red head man and before anyone could do anything, dad bashed his skull in with Lucille and the screaming and crying began. My dad then approached a young woman at the end and stood in front of her a few seconds before an Asian man got up and attempted to hit dad. He managed to stop him in time and throw him back on the ground. Dad just chuckled. "Now I think someone needs to learn their manners." Dad then hit the Asian man on his head with Lucille and his eyeball flew out of his socket, he then looked at the young girl and said "I will find you Maggie." I guess that was his wife. Dad hit him again and his skull splattered.

Rick was still giving dad the death glare and he forced him up and said "you're coming with me." He threw Rick into the RV. Dad came back over to me, kissed me on my head and said "I won't be long darling." He then told the Saviours that I'm in charge. Dad got into the RV and drove off with Rick inside, leaving me in charge.

I hope you liked this chapter guys! :)

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