Chapter 9

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Athena's POV:
I woke up. I have no clue how long I was asleep for but my head was still bloody killing me. Dad was sat on a chair next to the bed. He looked nackered. "Daddy?" He stroked my head. "How you feeling baby?" I needed to puke. "Dad I'm gonna puke." He got up real quick and ran to get me a bucket. He gently sat me up, put the bucket on my knee and he sat next to me on the bed. It wasn't even ten seconds and I was puking loads. "I-I'm sorry daddy." I choked. Dad rubbed my back to help me get the rest of the puke up. "Don't be silly darling it's not your fault." After I finished puking dad leaned back on the bed and I leaned back and rested my head on his shoulder. "Who got shot in Alexandria dad? I heard gunshots." Dad stroked my hair. "That Olivia did sweetheart. I didn't choose who got killed. If I did every shit in that place would have been dead. Nobody hurts my little girl. How's your head?" "It's killing daddy." Dad gave me some painkillers to help with the headache. "How long was I asleep for?" "Four hours sweetheart. You need to stay in bed a couple days. Daddy ain't going anywhere. I'm staying by your side until you're better." I found it really painful to move, if I needed to pee, dad would help me up and walk me to the bathroom. I also couldn't walk unaided as I'd feel really dizzy every time I stood up. "It's ok baby, daddy's got you."

That night I was up almost all night puking. I felt awful because dad laid in the bed with me but he got no sleep whatsoever. "It's ok baby, daddy's here." It was about 4am when I finally stopped puking. Dad looked after me the whole night. We both fell asleep for a good few hours until Simon knocked on the door which woke us up. He told dad that something needed doing but dad told him that his main priority is to look after me and if anyone asked him again to leave me until I'm better, he would use Lucille on them.

Dad got back in bed. "I'm sorry I kept you up all night daddy." He kissed me on my head. "As long as I know my baby girl is being looked after, that's all that matters." He gave me a small bit of food so that I could attempt to eat. Thankfully the food stayed down and I wasn't throwing up. Dad stayed with me the whole time. He made sure I had plenty of water and that I ate. We both fell asleep quite early too due to the lack of sleep the night before. Dad cuddled me as we slept and he wrapped me up so I wasn't cold.

Dad was up pretty early the next morning. He sat at the table having coffee when I woke up. "How ya feeling today darling?" I sat up slowly. "A bit better I think." I got up out of bed and attempted to walk to dad but I felt really dizzy and fell. "Shit. Are you ok?" Dad ran to me and helped me up. "I think so. But looks like I won't be able to walk for quite a bit." I started to cry, dad put his arm around me. "It's ok darling. You'll get better." Dad cuddled me for a bit and Simon knocked on the door. "Ah Simon could you do me a favour? Go to the Doc and get a wheelchair for my Athena please." "Sure thing Negan."

Simon came back with a wheelchair and left. Dad helped me get dressed and then got me in the wheelchair. "There we go darling. Daddy's got to get to a meeting. Do you wanna come with me or stay here?" I smiled weakly at dad and said "can I come with you?" He kissed me, "of course you can baby." He got my leather jacket and put it on me and wrapped my legs in a blanket as I was cold. "You ready?" I nodded. "Let's go." Dad pushed me in my wheelchair  to the meeting room.

Dad was sat looking out the window. I had my wheelchair next to his chair and he held my hand. "How you feelin' Athena darling?" I put my head on his shoulder. "I feel shit dad. My head still really hurts and I feel dizzy." He kissed me on my head and put his arm around me. "You've had some painkillers sweetheart, let's see if they work for ya." Everyone came in the room: the Saviours and the Hilltop leader, Gregory. My dad turned our chairs around and he poured me some water to help with my dizziness and to keep hydrated. I rested my head on dad's shoulder whilst they all discussed the Alexandrians' next move. I didn't really pay attention to what they were saying because I was feeling really drowsy and I felt myself dozing off whilst dad had his arm around me. And then there was an explosion. It frightened me real bad because it set my headache even worse. The Alexandrians had arrived. "Daddy what's going on?" Dad started pushing my wheelchair out of the room as quick as possible. "We need to get you safe darling." A bullet had smashed a window and only just missed me. We went into our room and dad hugged me. "Darling are you hurt?" "N-no daddy. Just feel really dizzy again." Dad looked really panicky. "I'm going out there to try and stop this." "I'm coming too." "No you bloody ain't. I can't risk losing you." Dad grasped me into one of his bear hugs before he left the room.

It had been a good couple hours since dad went outside. I heard all the gunshots but I was freaking out. I hope daddy's ok. I knew I had to at least try something but what? My head was absolutely killing me, but I had to try, for dad. "Fuck it." I said under my breath. I threw my blanket on my bed. And slowly hoisted myself out of the wheelchair. I managed to take a few steps but then my eyesight fully blurred out and I threw up all over and then collapsed onto the floor. I felt a tear roll down my face, I wanted dad.

I've no idea how long I was on the floor for but I heard someone come in and then the words, "fuck! No. Athena! My baby girl!" It was dad. He was crying. My eyesight came into focus, I wasn't imagining it, dad was there...covered in walker guts. "Daddy?" He chuckled teary. "Daddy's here baby. Let me wash all this guts off me then we'll sort you out ok?" "O-ok." Dad washed himself as quick as he could and he rushed out the bathroom in clean clothes, put his gut infested clothes in the wash and he picked me up and put me in my chair. He cleaned up the puke off the floor and off me and he helped me change out of the clothes I puked on. He sat us both on one of the sofas. "Darling what happened?" I avoided eye contact. "Ummm." "Athena tell me please." He sounded worried. "I was worrying about you daddy, it had been a couple of hours and I wanted to know that you were ok. I tried walking but it was too much for me because it made me puke and then I collapsed." I was fully crying and dad had tears in his eyes. "What you like eh. I just want to keep you safe baby. You shouldn't have tried walking if you knew you wouldn't be able to." I couldn't tell if he was angry. "I'm sorry daddy. Please don't be angry." I sobbed. Dad hugged me. "I'm not angry baby. Just don't do it again please." "I-I won't daddy." "Hey it's ok. If anything happened to you I'd hate myself. What sort of dad would I be if I lost you." I looked up to dad and put my hand on his face. "You're the best dad I could ever have. You've always been there for me. I love you daddy." "I love you too baby. I hate leaving you on your own." "Me too daddy. Ever since that walker incident when I was little, I don't like being on my own." Dad looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "Wait, you remember that?" I chuckled. "Yeah. I never forgot it. I still have nightmares about it. I'm still scared because of it but I know you're keeping me safe." Dad laughed and gave me a big kiss. "You're my little girl, it's my job to keep you safe. Even if you are a pain in my ass. But I wouldn't change you for the world darling. When you hit your head I thought I failed you. But when I got told you'd be ok, I felt so bloody lucky." "Daddy, you'll never fail me. That wasn't your fault. I'm the luckiest girl in the world to have a kick ass dad like you." Dad wiped my tears and laughed. "And I'm lucky to have a kick ass daughter like you. I love you baby." "I love you too daddy." Me and dad both put our feet up on the couch and I put my head on his chest, and we both ended up dozing off.

Let me know what you think of this chapter guys, I hope you like it

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