Chapter 5

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It had been 3 days since we met the Alexandrians. It was quite early in the morning and dad got out of bed and got dressed. He left me in bed for a bit longer and he woke me up. "Wake up darling." I woke up to dad sitting on the bed. I sat up and my wrist was still really painful. Dad did me some breakfast and he saw me wince in pain when I tried to move my hand. "Is it really bad still, sweetheart?" I looked at dad, "yeah dad. It really hurts." Dad told me to finish breakfast and to get ready - he had to go sort the trucks out because we were heading off to Alexandria once I was ready.

Dad left the room so I could get dressed. I got dressed and put my top on last. I turned around and saw one of dad's workers standing there looking at me. I didn't know his name but every time I walk around the Sanctuary with dad, he's always been keeping his eyes on me. "W-what are you doing in here?" He started to move towards me I started to walk backwards. "We haven't had the chance to spend time together." He said this as he was approaching me. "I don't know what you're talking about." He laughed and stroked my face, I flinched. "I've seen you looking at me when you've been walking around but you haven't said anything to your dad. Now we're alone." I was starting to get scared. He got even closer to me and started to put his hands on me. "Stop it." He got close up to my face and said "don't be like that." And before I could do anything he threw me on the bed, I started to cry. He pinned me down by holding my bad arm down and I screamed in pain - he put his hand over my mouth to muffle my screams. He then started to take my pants off and I couldn't stop him. Before he managed to take them off properly my dad came in and shouted "what the fuck are you doing?" Simon and Dwight were on either side of dad near the door. Dad came rushing in and punched him. "Take him to the main hall, I'll be down in a few minutes." Dwight and Simon grabbed an arm each and dragged him out. I was shaking really bad and crying as I pulled my pants back up. Dad sat next to me and put his arm around me. "I'm sorry that happened darling." I was still crying and told him everything that happened and that my wrist hurts even worse. I couldn't stop crying. Dad wiped my tears and cuddled me. "Daddy won't let him hurt you again baby. Are you still ok to come to Alexandria with us?" I nodded. "Please don't leave me on my own daddy, I don't wanna be on my own." Dad continued to cuddle me. "I'll never leave you baby." He sat with me until I stopped crying and he took the bandage off my arm and put a clean one on and gave me some medication for the pain. We then went down to the main hall.

Dad held my hand as we walked into the hall. I stopped in between Dwight and Simon and dad said "you wait here baby." Then he approached the arsehole that hurt me. "I must say that I am really hurt. I saved you" he pointed Lucille at the arsehole. "And how do you say thanks? You hurt my little girl and try to rape her! Now I can't stand men who abuse women but when you do it to my daughter?" Dad swung Lucille and bashed him on the head. He then looked at me and dad said "you never look at my daughter again." The one that hurt me began to plead to my dad but dad ignored him and continued to bash him with Lucille until he was nothing but mush on the floor. Dad told his Saviours to clean the blood and guts up as we left the sanctuary and got in the car to head to Alexandria.

Sorry about some of the content guys!

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