Chapter 21

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Negan's POV:

I was sat on the hospital bed in the Hilltop Infirmary. My little girl is cuddled up to me how she always is. She's been in terrible pain because of that little bitch that tried to kill her. My baby has been through enough shit in her life, she doesn't deserve this. She's in a deep sleep though, I love hearing her heavy breathing when she's snoozing. I even crack a small smile when I hear her talk to herself in her sleep. I may have been an arsehole throughout the years but I always did my best to protect and keep my number one safe - my Athena. No matter how old she is she'll always be my baby girl, I love how she still enjoys cuddling up to me and being near me. I miss how small she used to be. My Athena is my entire world.


It's my Athena's first birthday. I've only just woke up and my little girl is cuddled up to me snoozing away. I can't believe it's been a year since I first held my baby girl, it's flew by. I checked the clock and it was 7:30am. I slowly got up out of bed and wrapped my little girl back up. I sat and had some coffee at the table and watched my little girl sleep. I couldn't help but smile seeing my baby wrapped up and sleeping in a bed that's extremely too big for her, she's so adorable.

It's 9am and my little Athena finally started to wake up. I went over to the bed and sat down and watched Athena rub her eyes and yawning. "Hey there sweetheart. Looks like someone had a good sleep." I smiled down at her as she looked up at me. "Is it someone's birthday today darling? Is my little girl a year old?" She started to giggle and lifted her arms up for me to lift her up. "Happy Birthday Athena darling." I smothered my little girl in kisses which clearly tickled her because she was giggling uncontrollably. For her birthday I got her some adorable new clothes , I got her some new toys to play with too. Her little face lit up. Nothing made me happier to see my baby happy.

I sat on the floor with Athena, one of her favourite new toys is a little soft ball I bought her. "Ok Athena are you ready for this one?" I rolled the ball to her and she was clapping like crazy. "That's my girl. Come on give it back to daddy sweetie." Athena threw the ball to me this time it hit my leg so I put it to my chest as though it hit me there. "You got me baby." I fell back as though I'd been shot. Athena started giggling and crawled up to me and climbed up on my chest. "Does daddy get a kiss?" Athena leant forward and gave me a kiss. Dwight and Simon came in with my little girl's cake, it was beautiful. It was shaped in a one with Athena's name on it. "What's that baby? Is that your cake?" Athena started babbling excitedly as Dwight and Simon left. I left Simon and Dwight in charge for the day so I could spend my little girl's birthday with her. Me and Athena had some cake and she loved it. Over half of it was smushed around her face but she still had the biggest smile on her face.

I cleaned Athena up after having our cake and we laid in bed. I put a movie on for us to watch - she always gets excited when watching Annie so I put that on for her. She'd bounce about dancing every time a song came on, I just smiled at her and felt my heart warm up. After a while I looked down at her and she dozed off bless her, it was getting late and my little girl had an amazing first birthday. I didn't have to change either of us into pjs as we had a lazy day so I turned off the movie and got back in bed. Athena woke up as I got back in bed. "I'm sorry I woke you up baby, you gonna cuddle up to daddy?" I whispered. She smiled tiredly and climbed onto me and laid down on my chest. I gave her a kiss as I wrapped us both up and as she fell back asleep.


Athena's three and to be honest she's really shy around people. Even around Dwight and Simon. It's been about a month after the incident with the walker and Athena is hell of a lot more attached to me.

Negan and his Daughter AthenaWhere stories live. Discover now