Chapter 15

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Me and dad have been walking around The Sanctuary making sure everyone was working their arses off for our next meeting with Rick and his people. Dad heard his radio go off. "Who is this?" "Rick" the voice through the radio said. "Well well what do I owe the pleasure?" "Carl's dead Negan. He wrote a letter to you and your daughter. Saying how he wants this feud to stop and we work together." My heart sank and dad's face dropped. "Shit I'm sorry Rick. This can all stop. I killed one of your friends because you killed our men and then I killed the other because he went to hit me. We can work together Rick." I rested my head against dad and he put his arm around me. Then we heard Rick say, "no. It's too late for that." I looked up at dad and he put his hand on my face before he asked Rick, "so who's next Rick?" "You are!" Rick disconnected his radio. We were both pretty hurt about Carl's death. Even if he was a prick to me with Enid. Me and dad carried on walking around the Sanctuary, Eugene was making bullets for the guns and he showed dad what they were like and dad was impressed.

The day came to face Rick. Me and dad was in the car and all the Saviours were driving behind us. "Are you ok daddy?" I asked. "Of course I am darling. Are you?" Dad smiled and I nodded. We all reached this big field and Rick and all his people were waiting for us. We all stood in a formation. Dad was stood between me and Eugene. We got our guns out and began to shoot, except the guns in mine and dad's hands gave us some sort of electric shock. "Fuck!" We both yelled. "Eugene what the fuck?" Dad yelled. But before anything else could be done the fight broke out. Dad ran one way because Rick was coming at him so I ran after them and the Saviours surrendered and got down on their knees. Dad and Rick were fighting but before I could get too close dad yelled "Athena no! Stay back darling, I ain't having you get hurt!" So I stayed back and watched with tears welling up. Dad and Rick were fighting a good while but it looked like they were talking, maybe they were coming to a truce? But then I saw Rick slash dad's throat with a piece of glass and he walked off. "NOO DADDY!!" I screamed and ran to dad as he fell. "It's ok Athena baby." He choked but blood was gushing out of his throat. "No daddy, please don't leave me." I sobbed and held his hand. Dad stroked my face and said "I'll never leave you baby." He began to cry. "I love you daddy" "I love you too sweetheart." Next thing I know I heard Maggie cry "No he killed Glenn!" This new guy came walking towards me and dad and he said that he's gonna fix dad up. He better meant he was gonna save him. I stayed next to dad as the guy bandaged up dad's throat and neck. Dad was unconscious and I was still sobbing my heart out and the doctor and someone else picked dad up and put him in a car. Rick and Michonne tied my hands and put me in their car. "Rick, I am sorry about Carl. But please whatever you do don't take me away from my dad. He's all I have. I don't want to be without my dad." Rick just looked at me. "You might hate me and dad but that I don't care. I just wanna be with my dad. So if you imprison us, let me stay with him. Please." Rick and Michonne just looked at each other and I sobbed.

We were back at the Hilltop and dad was in a bed, I was tied to a chair next to him. Dad woke up and Rick and Michonne stood either side of the bed. "We aren't going to kill you." Rick said. "You killed innocent people." "I saved people!" Dad groaned in pain as he tried to sit up but he fell back down. I felt tears rolling down my face again. Rick and Michonne told dad that they're letting both of us live, but we spend the rest of our lives in a prison cell. Rick then said "your daughter persuaded me to let her stay with you. I'm not a monster. Instead of throwing her in a single cell, she's going into a cell with you." "What? No, let her live. Not in a cell." "Daddy, I begged him not to take me away from you. I don't care if I'm stuck in a cell. I just don't wanna be separated from you." Dad weakly smiled.

Rick let me stay with dad in the room until his throat and neck were healed. Rick and Michonne came in, Rick got dad up and Michonne got me up. They both tied us up and pushed us through the Hilltop mansion to the dungeon-like basement. They untied us and put us in the room. "Oh how I haven't missed this place. What? No curtains as a housewarming gift?" I smirked as they shut the door. Dad was sat on the floor. "You shouldn't be stuck in a cell darling. Why would you want this?" I sat next to dad and cuddled up to him. "Because I never wanna leave you daddy. I don't care if it's on the streets or in a shitty cold dungeon. I don't belong with Rick or any of his people. I belong with my dad." Dad smiled and cuddled me. "You're definitely stubborn like me baby. Let's try and get to sleep in this shit hole." There was literally a sheet to wrap us both up. I cuddled up to dad and put my head on his chest and he put his arms around me to keep me warm. "I love you daddy." I yawned. "I love you so much my baby girl." Dad said as he cuddled me and we both fell asleep on the uncomfortable floor.

So guys! That's it! Well it's not completed fully but I'll continue the fanfic next month when Walking Dead is back! Let me know your thoughts of my fanfic up to now xxx I may add some before the next season, if I think of any ideas.

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