Chapter 6

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Dad stopped the car and he put his arm around me. "Are you ready sweetheart?" I smiled and nodded. He kissed me on my head and said "let's go." We both got out the car and he took my hand and with the Saviours behind us, he banged Lucille onto the Alexandria gate shouting "little pig, little pig let me in!" The gate opened and Rick and all the residents of Alexandria were standing there. Rick approached me and dad and he said "you said you'd be a week." Dad laughed. "Well we need supplies. We're going to take half of your supplies." Dad signalled the Saviours to start getting supplies and they all scattered through Alexandria. Dad turned back to Rick and smiled. "Now Rick. How about you give me and Athena a tour of your place?" Rick looked at him then at me, I kinda was still shook about what he did to my wrist and I held dad's hand tighter. Rick turned around and started to give us a tour of Alexandria. "Well Rick this is a nice place you got here." I didn't talk but I looked at dad a couple times and he smiled and winked at me. As we were walking around, we heard shouting. Rick, me and dad went in the house where the shouting was. We went in and Carl was holding a gun at a saviour. He then said to Rick "they can't take our medicine." Dad then said that we're taking half the supplies and need medicine too. Rick told Carl to not argue about the issue and Carl averted his eyes to me. He looked as though he wanted to smile at me but his anger was taking over. I leaned closer to dad and he put his arm around me as Carl left the room.

We left the Grimes household ready to go and Dwight came up to us and said two guns were missing. Dad asked Rick where they were but he kept denying it. He then ran into a building and a few minutes later came back with the two remaining guns. "Now that wasn't hard was it Rick? We'll be back soon enough. Come on Saviours let's go!" Dad still had his arm around me as we left Alexandria and got into the car.

Dad started the car and we headed off back to The Sanctuary. It was a good hour away from Alexandria and about halfway back I started to doze off but kept fighting to keep my eyes open. Dad looked at me. "Are you tired darling?" "Just a bit dad." He smiled. "You can have a rest when we get back." "Thank you daddy."

We got back and I just collapsed on the bed I was that tired. Dad was going to lay on the couch but I sat up and told him to lay with me. Dad got in next to me and stroked the hair out of my face. "You look like your mom." "What was mom like?" Dad smiled. "The most amazing woman I knew. You've got her long hair but my brown hair. You have her eyes but you got my smile. She died when you was a few weeks old but she always loved you. I've loved you since day one too darling. I wouldn't change you for the world." I smiled at him. "I'm glad you're my dad." Dad cuddled me. "Me too darling." He kissed my head as I cuddled up and I dozed off.

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