Chapter 19

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I was sat between Dad and Jadis. We may be locked in a cell for god knows how long but we always have a good laugh about something. Dad was going on about when I was a baby and how he threw my shitty diapers at anyone who pissed him off. We tried not to laugh too loud because we'd end up attracting attention.

The three of us were sat against the wall and I had my head rested on dad's chest and Jadis was stroking my face and then Rick came in with the usual chain. "No. I'm not going. I don't care what doctor-what's-his-face said. After getting the shit kicked outta me I'm not leaving the cell." I sneered and got closer to dad and Jadis. They both wrapped their arms around me. Rick sighed and looked out the door then whistled and cocked his head towards us. Michonne and Daryl both ripped my dad and Jadis off me and pinned them and Enid came in and dragged me out by my hair. I was screaming and both dad and Jadis were shouting after me as Rick closed the door. I was dragged into the cell next to my dad and Jadis. Rick came in and closed the door. "You can stay in here until tomorrow." He said. "W-what? N-no. Please." I pleaded. He looked at Enid and she punched me. She was beating me like a punch bag. Kicking me. Even cutting me in places. I was just screaming in pain.

Negan's POV:

No. The Prick took my baby girl. I could hear my precious Athena's screams. This was breaking my heart. I can't bear it. I broke down in tears. "That's my baby girl. I promised her I wouldn't let them hurt her." I sobbed. Jadis put her hand on my shoulder. "Negan, it's not your fault. There was nothing we could do." She said as tears filled her eyes.

Jadis's POV:

This was horrible. It was killing Negan hearing Athena being tortured. I couldn't bear it. She's done nothing wrong and Rick is having her beat up. That girl means everything to me and her father, nothing better happen to her.

Athena's POV:

I don't know what time it is but I know it's really late. Probably about 4am. I could barely see. My face is all swollen and bloody. The doctor came in earlier on and cleaned my wounds but it didn't do much help. I was chained up. I was sobbing like crazy. I just want daddy and Jadis. I couldn't fall asleep at all.

It was early and Rick and Michonne came in. "Why are you doing this? If this was the other way around my dad wouldn't have ever hurt Judith. He'd have actually had the heart to let her stay with you." Before I could do anything else Rick slapped me in my face. But Michonne held him back and gave him a look as though to say "you know she's right." Rick unchained me but grabbed me and took me out of the cell, and threw me back in my dad and Jadis's cell.

As soon as I got back in to the cell I ran into my dad's arms and we sat on the floor. I was sobbing like crazy. "I'm sorry baby. I promised you that I wouldn't let them hurt you and-" my dad sobbed and I cut him off. "Daddy it's not your fault. Or Jadis's. They made sure you couldn't stop them. Don't either of you blame yourselves." Dad put his hand on my face but I winced in pain and he felt awful. "I couldn't sleep at all last night. I kept freaking out. I was chained up. I was scared. I just wanted you two." I was crying. Dad cuddled me. "Hey it's ok baby, you're back with us now. If you wanna have a sleep baby, then have a sleep." I smiled up at dad. "I don't think they'll be taking me again. I told them that if this was the other way around you'd have the heart to allow Judith to stay with her dad. Rick hit me but he realised I was right." "He hit you?!" Dad and Jadis both said this simultaneously, they were both pissed off. "It's not the worst thing that's happened but it still hurt like fuck. Everything is hurting right now." Dad kissed me on my forehead and although it hurt to move I wrapped my arms around him. I started shivering really bad. "Are you cold darling?" Dad said stroking my hair. "Yeah daddy." Dad unzipped his leather jacket and said "put daddy's jacket on." "Daddy you'll be cold though." Dad laughed. "We have plenty of blankets darling. My main focus is my baby girl." I sat up and dad put his jacket on me and zipped it for me. So that we could be warm he told me to sit between his legs and cuddle up. I leaned back onto dad's chest and he put the blankets around me, him and Jadis. Dad wrapped his arms around me and Jadis put one arm over me. "Are you warming up baby?" Dad asked. "Yeah daddy." I yawned. "You go to sleep sweetheart. Daddy's not going anywhere." Dad kissed my head as I felt myself doze off.

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