Chapter 39

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Athena's POV:

So me and dad have been stuck in this cell for six years. Rick is presumed dead, well that's what we got told but since we've not been out of the cell for years, we've no bloody idea. Anne left too which I'm kinda upset about but I just hope she's safe.

Judith was sitting on the steps outside, she asked dad for help with her maths homework. "Are you sure you want my dad's help with maths?" I asked out the window smirking. Dad gave me a playful glare before pulling me into a hug. I sat down as dad started to help Judith. Dad then told her how he used to bring home stray dogs and he once brought one and it attacked the others and even grandma. "Did you bring another one home after that?" Judith asked. "I didn't want my ass kicked." Dad chuckled. "I bet grandma had a thrill from that." I smirked and dad laughed.

I stretched out on the bed and dad came over and just stood looking at me. "You gonna just lay there or you gonna let me sit down." He chuckled so I sat up and he sat next to me. "So I'm guessing grandma was completely pissed about the whole stray dog attack?" I asked. "Pissed is an understatement darling." Dad chuckled. I shrugged and said, "it isn't the dogs fault though. It's how they were treated by their previous owner." Dad smiled and pulled me into a hug. "That's exactly how I think too darling." I laid myself down with my head on dad's knees and I dozed off. I felt his hand stroke the top of my head.

Someone brought in a baseball mitt and a ball so that me and dad don't get 'bored'. We've been stuck in this shit hole six years too long - bored is an understatement. I was sat next to dad on his seat as Father Gabriel was saying some shit. I wasn't really paying attention because dad was throwing the ball at the wall opposite us and I was catching it. Gabriel then left the cell. Dad threw the ball again but it kinda hit me in the face. "Shit! I'm sorry darling are you ok?" Dad asked panicked. "Yeah I'm ok dad. My face just stings abit." Dad put the mitt and ball down and he wrapped his arms around me.

Later on in the day, Gabriel came back to change the bed pan out (mine and dad's toilet). But me and dad have to be cuffed to the cell bars. Fuck the cuffs are tight. I rested my head on dad's shoulder and he rested his head on mine. Dad made a joke about Gabriel changing the bed pan but Gabriel told him to shut up and that Rosita is missing. Dad genuinely felt bad - I knew it but Gabriel refused to believe him. The guard uncuffed me and dad as he locked the cell door again. Our wrists were really sore. "You ok daddy?" I asked. "Of course I am baby, are you?" I nodded and he brought me into a hug. 

A couple hours later I had my head rested on dad's knee whilst he was playing with the ball. The ball ended up rolling out the cell. "Sit up for a minute please baby." Dad asked and he got up. "What's wrong daddy?" I asked. Dad went over to the cell door, and pushed it. It was unlocked! I ran over to dad and we both smiled at each other as we walked out the cell. "Let's get our arses outta here darling." He smirked. I held his hand, both of us having huge smiles on our faces as we escaped.

So it's quite a short chapter I know! But I'll carry this one on in February when TWD returns! I'll be starting another fanfic though which I hope you'll love!

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