Chapter 29

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Athena's POV:

Me and dad are in our cell ... still. Rick has made us wear gross prison clothes. He also had a camp bed placed in the cell for me and dad to sleep on. We had a very small cushion and thin blanket. Me and dad are sitting on the bed. I'm shivering like crazy. "Come here sweetheart, I'll keep you warm the best I can." Dad said quietly. I'm still paralysed from the waist down which isn't exactly helpful. He gently lifted me on to his knee and put my legs up onto the bed. I rested my head on his shoulder and wrapped my arms around dad, as he wrapped his around me. His body heat was slowly warming me up, but I was shivering still really bad. "You'll warm up sweetheart." Dad kissed my forehead. "I know daddy." I said. He grabbed the thin blanket and put it over me. "Let's hope this shitty rag helps a bit." I smiled at dad and he winked at me. I was up half the night in agony. "Try and get some sleep, baby. I'll keep cuddling you to keep you warm. I promise." Dad hugged me tighter and I felt myself fall asleep in dad's arms.

Negan's POV:

My Athena is shivering like crazy, bless her. Sometimes I wish that instead of going after Rick, I took Athena away from all this. Find a different group. That way my little girl wouldn't have been beaten and stabbed and other shit she's been through. But if I worked instead of being the leader of a different group, I wouldn't be able to spend as much time with her. I held her close as she snoozed away. My baby has been through too much. She's done nothing to deserve it.



Athena's POV:
I'm 11 years old and dad told me I can go on a run with a few Saviours. If I'm being honest, I'm so nervous because Dad isn't coming. Me and dad are stood outside the trucks before we go. "I'll miss you daddy." I hugged dad as tight as I could. He lifted me up. "I'll miss you too baby. It's only for a few hours though." He kissed me on my cheek before I got in the truck. Dad waved to me as we set off. I just hope this day flies by so I can be back with him.

There was only a small bunch of us: me and five of dad's men, Jay, Mike, Liam, Danny and Jack. They've been at the Sanctuary quite a while so Dad trusts them. It was a couple hour drive and we ended up at this old abandoned mall. There were no walkers inside thankfully. They told me to go over to one of the stores to see what there was but next thing I knew something hit me hard on the head and I blacked out.

Negan's POV:

The Saviours and my Athena should be back soon. It's only been a few hours but I've missed her like fuck.

The trucks are back. I see everyone get out of the trucks, except Athena. Where the fuck is she? Where's my baby girl? I stormed over to the Saviours. "Where's Athena?" I yelled. Jay spoke up. "She wandered off and we went looking for her but we couldn't find her." He stuttered. My heart sank. Athena wouldn't just wander off. These arseholes have done something to her. "Arat, Simon Dwight! Search them!" I yelled. Arat took a gun and knife off one of them, they were Athena's. "Lock them up!" I growled. They've done something to my little girl. I need to find her.

The gate opened and it was Jadis and some of the scavengers. "Jadis this isn't the best time. Athena's missing." I said, trying to fight back tears. Jadis's face dropped. "We'll come with you to find her." She insisted.

Myself and Jadis went in the RV and the Saviours and scavengers went in trucks. I was driving frantically to get to the place where they went on the run. "Negan, we'll find her." Jadis said reassuringly. Me and Jadis hate each other, have done over the years but when it comes to Athena, we do our best to get along. Jadis loves Athena like she's her own, which I don't hate her for. She's like a mother figure to her.

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