Chapter 26

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I'm cuddled up to dad in our cell. Thankfully my pains in my stomach have gone but I'm still paralysed from the waist down. Rick came in to the cell and said "get your arses up. We're going back to Alexandria. You'll be put in one of the cells there." "How do you expect me to get up dumbass? I'm paralysed remember." I smirked but Rick didn't look amused. "Your father can carry you. But if either of you try anything we will shoot you!"

Dad picked me up and carried me out of the cell. It looks like everyone are going back to their original bases. Thankfully, Jadis is coming to Alexandria too. I saw Maggie on the balcony with baby Herschel looking down in disgust at my dad. I looked up and gave her a weak smile, which she returned before heading back in. Rick said we were going in his car with him and Michonne to make sure we don't try and pull anything. He even put the child locks on our doors. Alexandria was only about 20 minutes away from Hilltop. Dad put me in the middle of the back seat and he sat next to me. I put my arm around dad's and put my head on his shoulder and he rested his head on mine. The car ride was very silent and awkward but we got to Alexandria soon enough.

Rick opened the door and dad got himself out before carrying me. We got to the prison cell and Rick closed us in. Dad sat on the floor and plonked me on his knee. "Are you ok baby?" "Yeah Daddy." I cuddled up to him and he kissed my head. Jadis came to the cell but was at the other side of the bars. "Hey Jadis." I smiled. "Hey sweetheart. Now that it's out though, you can call me Anne." She told us how she had changed her name when the apocalypse started but she's changed it back. "How you feeling Athena?" "Still paralysed but apart from that I'm feeling great." Me, dad and Anne laughed.

After a few minutes, Anne had to go back to work. "I'm tired Daddy." I yawned. "You have a nap darling, daddy'll cuddle you to keep you warm sweetheart." Dad kissed my head as I felt myself doze off.

Negan's POV:

My poor baby. She doesn't deserve to be locked up in a cell. I wish I could do something to help her. I rested my head on Athena's as she snoozed away. She's shivering like crazy. There aren't even any blankets or covers in here. I gently unzipped my leather jacket and took it off and placed it over Athena. I was getting cold a bit but I'd rather myself to be cold than my little girl. I'll warm up quick enough with Athena cuddled up to me. She started talking to herself in her sleep, she does that a hell of a lot. I just smiled as I kissed her head. She kept talking for a good few minutes but then the nightmares kicked in. She's screaming her head off bless her, I rubbed her back. "It's ok sweetheart, shh daddy's here baby. Daddy's here." She woke up in tears.

Athena's POV:

I woke up in tears with dad's jacket on me. "Daddy?" I sobbed. "Daddy's here sweetheart. You had another bad dream. You was shivering so I put my jacket on you to warm you up. Are you ok baby?" "Yeah, thanks daddy".



Athena's POV:
Age 14:

I'm in bed, it's about 9am but I'm shattered so I dozed back off. Dad came to the bed and I heard him say, "Athena darling, it's time to get up." I moaned, "a bit longer please daddy." I heard him say "fine, just a bit longer sweetie" before I dozed back off. I was in a deep sleep but in my subconscious - or some shit like that - I heard dad trying to wake me up again but whether I was dreaming it I don't know. But then a few minutes later I woke up screaming, soaked. Dad stood there laughing with a bucket in his hand. "Are you awake now you lazy shit?" I started laughing myself. "Fucking hell dad. I am now. But the bed's soaked." "I'll change the bedding later honey, now get your arse outta bed." I got outta bed and started shivering, that water was ice cold. "I-I'm s-so c-cold." My teeth were chattering. Dad looked a bit sympathetic. "You're starting to make me feel bad now darlin'." I smirked. "Can I have a hug please daddy?" I even gave him the puppy dog eyes. He just sighed and chuckled. "You know I can't say no to my little girl. Come here princess." He opened his arms and I walked into them and hugged him. I stepped back and hit dad in the face with my wet hair. "Payback." I giggled. Dad chuckled but then chased me around the room before picking me up and throwing me on the bed. "It's a good job I love you Athena." He laughed. "I know daddy, love you too. Now can I get dressed and outta my soaking pjs?" "I suppose so." Dad chuckled and I went to get dressed.

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