Chapter 34

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Negan's POV:

Athena is just over 1. She can walk but not fully. And she can only say a few words. Her favourites are "Dada" and "Daddy." Apart from me, the only other person she allows to hold her is Sherry. She's still extremely shy around everyone else. I've got to go on a run today. And since I won't be back until extremely late tonight I've asked Sherry to look after Athena.

It's midday and I'm sat on the sofa with Athena cuddled up to me. "Be good for Sherry, Athena sweetheart. Daddy will be back tonight baby." I kissed my little girl on her head, she hates being away from me. I hate it if I have to leave her, even if I need to go to the bathroom for a few minutes. I stood up and passed Athena over to Sherry, she was screaming her heart out reaching back for me. It literally breaks my heart seeing her like this. "So try and put her in her crib tonight or if that doesn't work, just plonk her in my bed." I told Sherry before rushing out.

Sherry's POV:
Athena's been crying for a good half an hour now. She just keeps screaming "dada!" over and over. I've got her on my knee, cradling her. It's not working. Then it hit me. I put Annie on for her, she loves that movie. Once it was on she calmed down and cuddled up. We watched movies the rest of that day.

It was 8pm so I decided to put her to bed. I changed her diaper and put her into some pyjamas. "Dada!" She shouted. "He'll be back soon honey." "Me want dada!" She screamed. I put her down in her crib but she was sobbing. I sighed and picked her back up. I tried putting her in Negan's bed, but she wasn't having any of that either. So I sat back on the sofa with her and continued with the movies. I made her a bottle and fed her - this was about 10:30pm. We were watching Finding Nemo. We had the lights out as we watched tv and it was about 11:15pm when Negan got back.

Negan's POV:

It's 11:15pm and I'm so glad to be back. I'm gonna have to be quiet going into my room because Athena will probably be asleep. I entered my room quietly and the lights were out but the tv is still on. I looked over to the sofa and saw Athena wide awake. "Why isn't she in bed?" I asked. "Dada!" Athena's face lit up and reached her arms up to me. I scooped her up in my arms and looked at Sherry. "Believe me, I tried to put her to bed. She just kept crying for you and it took ages to calm her." She sighed. I looked at Athena and gave her a kiss. Sherry got up and accidentally knocked over Athena's bottle. "Fuck." She cursed. The next thing I knew, I heard the word "fuck" come out of my one year old. I couldn't help but laugh. I'm not annoyed at Sherry because I curse all the time. Sherry left the room. "Come on you, let's get to bed." I said to Athena and carried her to my bed. I got into my pyjamas and she said "fuck" again. As funny as it was, I can't be angry at my little girl because she's at that age where she repeats what she hears and doesn't know the meaning of words. I sat on the bed and had Athena on my knee. "Athena sweetheart, that's a naughty word." I said, trying to keep a straight face. "Sowwy dada." She said. "It's ok baby." I did Athena another bottle and fed her. She went out like a light, bless her. I gently put her into her crib and wrapped her up. I then dozed off myself.

I was woke up by Athena crying heart out. "Dada!" She sobbed. I got out of bed and she lifted her arms up to me. I picked her up and put her in my bed with me. "Come on then darling. Shhh it's ok baby. Dada's here." I stroked her little face and she climbed up onto my chest and cuddled up. "You comfy there missy?" I put my hand to her head and she looked up at me and smiled. I chuckled and asked her for a kiss. She boosted herself up and gave me one of her adorable kisses and she curled back up on my chest. "wuv woo dada" she yawned. "I love you too Athena sweetheart. Let's get back to sleep." I fell back to sleep, cuddling my baby girl.

That's this chapter guys! Let me know your thoughts

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