Chapter 27

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Athena's POV:

It's been a couple days since dad let me decide on what happened to Brittany and Diana. Me and dad are in the main hall, dad is off on a run for a good few hours but he wants me to stay at the Sanctuary. "Whilst I'm on this run Saviours, my Athena is in charge!" He told everyone that was staying. "Dad a-are you sure?"  He smiled and hugged me. "Course I'm sure darling. You'll be great. And if anyone disobeys, you tell me." "I will daddy." I hugged him back. He gave me a radio so that I could contact the Saviours that we're staying at the Sanctuary and then left with Simon, Dwight and the others. Basically every single one of dad's workers hated me, the only people that liked me was Dwight, Simon, Arat, Sherry and Amber. Everyone was just stood there staring at me. "Get back to work!"  I yelled and everyone jumped and continued to work. I got a couple of death glares off Brittany and Diana but I just smirked and went back to my room. I did myself a coffee and sat down on the sofa. I just wanted a few minutes to myself before heading back out there.

I finished my coffee and left the room. I wanted to go see Sherry and Amber first. I went to the room for dad's 'wives' and they both were there, amongst dad's other wives. "Hey Sherry, Amber. Can I talk to ya for a sec?" They both nodded and told me to sit down. "I was wondering if you two could come walk around the Sanctuary with me? Because well dad left me in charge and well I don't exactly fancy walking around on my own. I mean not after what happened with that Daniel prick the other week and I know Brittany and Diana hate me and well you two and Arat are the only ones I trust in this place, as well as dad. But Arat is on her post outside." "Course we will honey." Sherry smiled. 

We walked through the Sanctuary and I was getting horrible looks off basically everyone. Then I heard Arat on my radio. "What's up Arat?" "I think you should come out here Athena." I heard Arat's voice say. I rushed outside to the gate, Sherry and Amber followed. Arat was there with that newbie, Chris. "What's wrong?" "Go take a look for yourself." Arat said. I climbed up onto the outlook and looked down, a toddler was there, on her own. I climbed down quickly. "Why the fuck haven't you brought her in?" I said angrily. "I told this dumbass to open the gate but he wouldn't listen. That's why I got you to come out." Arat told me. "Open the fucking gate Chris." I snarled. "It could be a trap for all we know." He stuttered. "She's a baby! Open the fucking gate! Now!" Chris was definitely scared because he rushed to get the gate open. I stood outside and crouched down to the little girl's eye level. "Hey there honey, where's your mommy and daddy?" I said quietly. "B-biters." She sobbed. Fuck. She is on her own. "Do you wanna come with me sweetie? We can keep you safe." She nodded and put her arms up. I picked her up and carried her back inside. "Shut the gate! Oh and Chris? I will be letting my dad know about this." I snarled and he looked petrified. I carried the girl back into the Sanctuary and I got strange looks off the workers. Then of course Diana and Brittany interfered. "What are you doing?" Diana snapped, eyeing up the little girl. "What's it look like smart arse?" I smirked. "Why do you have a little girl with you?" Brittany snarled. "She was outside on her own, I wasn't gonna leave her out there for the walkers to get her!" They both rolled their eyes. "Your dad-" Diana retaliated, "left me in charge and I wasn't gonna leave her out there. Now if you'll excuse me I'm kinda busy." I walked off. I turned around to Sherry and Amber, "thank you for coming with me. I'll be ok now. I'll see you both later." They both gave me a hug and went back to their room.

I still had the little girl in my arms and I went to the market and got her some new clothes. I don't exactly need points because, well I'm the boss's daughter. I just note down what I got.

I went back to my room and sat on the sofa, the little girl on my knee. "What's your name honey?" "L-Lily." I smiled down at her. "My name's Athena." She smiled up at me. "How about I run you a bath? Would you like that?" She smiled and nodded. I carried her into the bathroom and ran her a bath. I made sure it was warm enough and then I put her in. She started splashing around excitedly, I think it's been a while since she's had a bath. I scrubbed her and washed her hair. Then I got her out, wrapped a towel around her and took her back into the bedroom. "There we go, do you feel better?" I asked her. "Yeah, thank you Athena." I dried her and got her dressed.

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