Chapter 7

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For the past few days me and dad have stayed at the Sanctuary. Dad decided to leave Dwight and Simon in charge so we could chill for a couple days. It was around noon and I asked dad to teach me how to fight a bit better. He left the room and came back with a bat exactly like Lucille. "This is for you sweetheart." I gave him a huge hug. "Thanks daddy." Dad taught me how to use the bat. He guided me how to move my arm etc when swinging. He showed me how to do it with Lucille and then I tried it and he started laughing. "That's my girl. Come here." He gave me one of his huge bear hugs and kissed my head. We heard gunshots outside. Dad kissed my head and said "I'll be back in a few minutes darling." And he went to see what was going on.

About twenty minutes later, I went looking for Dad. I found him on the balcony above the main hall with Carl. As I walked up to them dad shouted with his arms open: "There's my girl. Come here!" He hugged me and kissed my head. I looked at Carl "I'm guessing that kiss wasn't enough the other night and you've come for more?" Dad looked down at me. "I'm joking daddy." Dad laughed as Carl stood there awkward. Dad said "Carl here sneaked into one of our trucks and gunned down some of our men. So I'm giving him a tour. Come with us darling." Dad put his arm around me as we walked around the Sanctuary with Carl.

We went into a room and all of dad's wives were there. "Ah come meet my girls Carl! Sorry no they're not my girls coz my girl is this beauty here" he squeezed me into a hug. "I'll rephrase that - come and meet my wives." Dad went over to Sherrie and they starting kissing. I just blanked it. Carl looked at me and said "all these women are your-" "yes" I cut him off. Dad and Sherrie stopped kissing and he told Carl to get comfortable as Sherrie went over to comfort a crying Amber. Dad took us into our room and he told Carl to sit on one couch as he sat on the other. Dad made a space for me and I sat next to him. Dad kept questioning Carl but Carl didn't answer much. He glanced at me a couple times and I smiled slightly but dad made sure he distracted him from me. I mean yeah I do like Carl a bit - but like I said from day one: I'd never leave dad. Sherrie stood in the doorway and knocked. Dad got up and kissed me on my head as he went to talk to Sherrie.

There was an awkward silence between me and Carl until he asked: "so - um - where's your mom?" I looked up at him and felt tears in my eyes. "Mom died when I was a baby." Carl could see that it upset me so he changed the subject. "Where's your room?" I wiped my tears and laughed. "You're sitting in it." He looked around and said "do you sleep on one of these sofas?" I laughed again. "No. I sleep in the bed with dad." Carl looked at me strange. "Don't look at me like that. My dad isn't that type of person." "Then why do you share a bed with him?" I sighed. "Dad raised me on his own. When I was a baby he always took me out my crib if I cried and put me in the bed with him. When I outgrew the crib I didn't want to be on my own so dad put me in his bed and he did it so that I felt safe. He didn't wanna put me in a separate room in case anyone came in and frightened me and he wanted to protect me as much as he could. As I grew older I didn't like being on my own and I still don't now. So dad looks after me. You may think he's a terrible person but he's an amazing dad." Carl didn't know what to say and dad came back in. "Come on you two, it's ready." Carl looked confused. "What is?" I stood up and smirked. "The iron."

We went into the main hall and Mark - Amber's partner was tied to a chair and dad walked towards him. I didn't really pay much attention to what dad was saying at first because I was watching Sherrie comfort Amber who was still crying. Dad picked up the iron, Carl whispered to me "what's he going to do with it?" I looked at him and smirked "watch and you'll find out." Dad shouted "this is what we do to traitors." He forced the iron on to Mark's face - he was screaming in pain. Amber was crying uncontrollably as Sherrie hugged her. Then I felt Carl's hand grab mine. My heart warmed up. Dad finished with Mark and I let go of Carl's hand quick. Dad put his arm around me as we walked back to our room.

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