the second

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::Liam's POV::
-3 days later-

Walking up Behind my mate I put my arms around her waist, Scarlett jumped in my arms and then relaxed I to my arms. Most likely would've felt the sparks that where running up and down our bodies.
"Stop creeping up on me like that" she whispered angling her head so she could see me, I shackled lightly and kissed her on the lips. A small sweet kiss that lasted around three seconds. Pulling apart she sighed lightly and rested her forehead against mine.
"I love you" I whispered a moment later, then looked into those beautiful eyes of hers, she closed her eyes and returned the favour.
"I love you too" and then stepped out of my arms going back to making scrambled eggs.

Ever since me and Scarlett have mated we can't stay out of the bedroom, each and every day she seems to be getting more and more beautiful, irresistible and just plain gorgeous. I think it might be her heat coming back, I won't be able to tell until the full moon though. But I really don't mind looking after her heat, if it means taking her to the bedroom until she is fully sated who's says I will complain.

"Mm, these are really good scrambled eggs" I praise once Scarlett was done making them, she smiled and took her own bite.
"Well I absolutely HATE egg yolks. And a way to ignore the taste is making scrambled eggs" she explains, it only sounds really cute in what she does. Theses small quirks she has in,y makes me love her more.
"How can you not like yolks, the yolk is the barest part" I exclaim taking another mouth full...

-1day later-

That smell, it was so divine. Amazing and intoxicating. I knew it was somewhere.
In fact It was almost better than my own mates scent, in which means that this is a really good scent. I've been tracking g the scent all over the house and yet I cannot find it. As soon as u had caught a single whiff of it in my office my wolf had started growling.

Lifting my nose up to the air I discovered the source and ran upstairs, banging on the bedroom door I heard whimpering from the inside.
Then when it finally opened the smell hit me like a tonne of bricks, it stopped me in my tracks. There Scarlett lay in a puddle of her own sweat, she was whimpering and clearly in pain.

HEAT. It was the only explanation as to what was wrong with her, and she was trying to hide it from me.

::Scarlett's POV::

Tina had came again, she's left me some hints around the pack house, so the moment that I felt my heat hit. I had to get out of my mates view. I couldn't do it. I had to run and I didn't have long left.
From what I know Tina is planning to do something to me the moment I am out of the picture. She wants to command me to do something, she doesn't even know what I am. If only she did know.

The heat was too much to bare, it was racking through my veins like each heartbeat. Flooding and entering my body.
I lay on the bed swearing buckets, whimpering and curling up trying to find a comfortable position..
I didn't even realise Liam was in the room until he called my name.

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