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  • Dedicated to My father

::Scarlett's POV::

"Dad" I stutter trying to actually form a coherent word. My mind was all jumbled and mumbled up, it was almost impossible. My father was on the other line, trying to shut me down and out.
It was like a stab to the heart, and with the fact that he was sending my brother to try and take me down.

Sorry I might need to explain something. I have a brother- yes that sounds weird doesn't it? But no my father did not do my mother twice, he actually is the son of my stepmother. I know what your thinking. 'Oh but won't he take after the bitch?' Luckily not. Me and him are actually rather good friends, and we have a strong connection.

That was even a sour thought to me, I flinched on the inside.
"Oh my.... Scarlett! Honey what are you doing on the alphas phones?" I heard my dads voice crack through the phone, he usually hated acting all tough and mean in front of his daughter. He usually puts that act up around the bitch,
Whereas if he was with me, he would let it all go down and then act like the loving father. Though that did actually change around the last few months I was actually living with him.
I will always love my dad, and even though he did do those things, like ignoring me and pushing me out. I will forever love him.

"Dad, I'm the alpha of the pack. That is the reason I'm answering the call" I grumble with a growl threatening to escape, this was one thing that did annoy me. He thought that I wasn't good enough to actually be a alpha, hmm what presumption.
"But you still have to shift and.." I stopped my dad before he hurt my feelings further.
Using my new power I spoke calmly "you. Have no idea if what I'm capable of. You believe that I can't do it, or I'm inferior. You are wrong" I growl slamming the phone down..

Then leaning back I sigh rubbing my eyes, man I was tired. It seems as though the moon goddess wants me back for some more lessons, sometimes I really hate this.
Scratch that, I do hate it....

:: Liam's POV ::

My mother stood in front of me, her hands on her hips and a small scowl on her face. I chuckled shaking my head, she was stopping g me from going to mate and mark Scarlett further.
She told me a reason why I was on edge, she hadn't marked me. And now I have a wolf that will growl and snarl trying to get his mate to submit. That wasn't going to happen though, I knew just as much as he did. That Scarlett is a stronger wolf than I.
It was proof of the first moment I met her, she had made me submit.

And if it wasn't her alpha power that made me submit, it was her beauty. She was truly beautiful.
"Dear I know you are anxious, but understand that she was just kidnapped over her lineage" my mother scolded linking her arm through mine and leading me to the kitchen.
"Now, how about some dinner" she grinned....

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