Chapter 1

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I walked into my bedroom, at Elizabeth's castle. I locked the door behind me and walked to my bed...

"My love"Alexander said standing, by the balcony, I looked at her.

"I want to be alone"

She opened the door...I didn't lock it!Dammit!

She walked to me and sat down ,by me kissing my cheek softly. I turned my back to her ,she laid down next to me."My angel I am so sorry..we are making you, choose because you cannot ,have two mates"

"And I do!why must you both be so difficult!!?I love you both!"

"My love, I know but you must choose"

She walked, to me pulling ,me close.

"I love you"she said softly ,looking at me. I kissed her she held me like, she was afraid I'd disapear.

I pulled back and walked ,to my bed and sat down.

She left.

Elizabeth walked in, she smiled. She pulled my clothes off, she pulled her clothes off and kissed me slowly .I moaned softly ,she smiled and roughly ,pushed me on the bed."No Mommy"I said ,she just grabbed ,my legs and smiled.


She sat by me, I kissed her cheek and walked out, taking my things with me.

"Where are you going?"

She was walking next to me ,I sighed and shook ,my head slightly.

"I'm..leaving..I promise I'll come and see you both again..I'll come by sometime to see Sally ,shes sleeping"

I walked out ,she didnt follow me .I got into, the limousine, waiting for me.

It drove away ,from the castle..

"This is the best option"I said softly ,resting my head against the window.

A few hours later, we arrived at a ,building .I wasnt familiar with.

The driver helped me ,out. I looked at the building.

"The Queen took the liberty of acquiring a new home for you"

I nodded and looked at him ,he held a set of keys out to me.

I took them.

I took my things and walked in..I walked up ,to the front desk a woman ,in her forties looked up at me she smiled, her green eyes shining.

"Morning how may I help you?"she asked.

I was so tired, "I-"

"Oh wait..your the woman the, Queen was talking about..your apartment is on the ,top floor apartment number 1507, on the eighty-seventh floor"she said.

I walked to the elevator and got in. I pressed the button, reading 87 it started its way to, the top. I sighed and took out my phone.

Someone called me, I answered.


"Hi honey"

"Hello my love"Elizabeth said.

"Hi"I said softly.

"Wheres Sally?"I asked, she sighed on the other end.

I looked at what ,floor number I was on..7.

"I cant find my phone..I apologize ,I wanted to know if you made, it to your new apartment alright?"she asked.

I smiled,"Yes I did ,thank you..thank you ,for the new apartment"

"Its not a problem"she said, I nodded and sighed.

"Hold on"she said, I raised a brow and waited.

"Hello Mommy!"Sally said.

I smiled"Hi love how you doing?"

"Im okay and you Mommy?...guess what!"she said happily.

"What?"I asked.

She giggled again,"I can come an visit you when ,ever I want"she said happily.

I smiled and looked up, again to see what floor I was on...25...

"Im so glad honey!I cant wait to see you again"

She giggled.

"Me neither!oh man...I have to go,Mommy can you phone later again?"

I giggled and smiled.

"Pleaaaasse!"she begged.

I laughed and smiled.

"Of coarse ,my angel"

She giggled.

"Bye I love you"I said, she giggled.

"I love you too Mommy"she said and hung up.

I smiled and put ,my phone in my pocket..

I wonder how Alexander is doing, with Elizabeth...maybe it was a bad ,idea to leave them in ,the same castle...

I looked up to see what floor, I was on again 30..

I looked at my hands...theyll be fine...Elizabeth wont stay there now ,that Im gone she'll go back to, her own castle...

I hope...

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