How He Asks You Out

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Andy- After talking for a few months and hanging out you two became super close. One day he asked if you wanted to go on a walk with him. You agreed. You guys messed around almost the entire time. You constantly caught Andy watching you out of the corner of your eye even when you were showing him something. Eventually it started getting late you you guys went to the park to watch the sunset. You guys say down in the grass watching the sun set. You were exclaiming how beautiful it was and you heard Andy mutter, "Yeah it is," under his breath and once again you caught him watching you out of the corner of your eye. He must have noticed that you caught him because he looked down. It was getting harder to see but you were sure he was blushing. You turn towards him and asks what's wrong. He just shakes his head. "Andy, I can tell somethings wrong," you say to him. You hear him sigh and then he says, "I really like you and but I understand if you don't think of me as more than a friend. I just can't stop thinking of you and I..." You hugged him. He looked shocked. "Andy, I would love to be your girlfriend."

Rye- You were at the boy's flat just having a lazy day. All of you were watching a movie. You weren't paying attention and you could tell some of the others weren't. Rye kept whispering in Mikey and Andy's ears and Jack had fallen asleep. The only one that was really watching it was Brooklyn. You got up and went into the kitchen to find some food. You had been there all day and was starving. While you were looking, you heard someone else walk into the kitchen. You looked up and seen Mikey. You smiled. "You need to go talk to Rye. He's outside right now. He kind of wanted to talk to you alone," he said. "Okay?" You said, but that was all you got from him. You gave up on looking for food and decided to go find out what Rye wants. You walk out the door and saw Andy. He handed you a bouquet of roses before telling you good luck and walking inside. There stood Rye. He smiled at you and you instantly smiled back. He took your hand and he said, "I've liked you for a long time now. I finally got the courage to ask you so here I go. Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?" He looked like he was ready for you to say no but you hugged him and said, "Of course I would. I've waited for this day to come but I thought you'd never like me like that." He smiled and said, "Why wouldn't I? You are amazing."

Brooklyn- Both you and Brooklyn had decided to go to the park. It was a nice day out so there was no reason to stay inside. You were laying on the grass looking up at the clouds with Brooklyn next to you. You had already been there for an hour and you could hear Brooklyn's quiet snores. It wasn't surprising because clouds weren't the most interesting subject to either of you but you still found it a little rude. So you decided to prank him. You got up and walked to the tree that you and Brooklyn have decided is now yours. Usually you both sit up there hiding and talking. You climbed up. You knew Brooklyn wouldn't look up here. You instantly started blowing up Brooklyn's phone. You called several times and texted him with the words like "Help!" and "Brooklyn, I'm scared." Finally Brooklyn woke up. He looked around at first for you then he checked his phone. You could see the panic on his face. He yelled your name. After a few minutes of looking around and trying to get ahold of you (you silenced your phone so he couldn't hear it), he broke down crying. You jumped down from the tree and instantly went over to him feeling bad. "Brooklyn?" You said quietly from behind him. He instantly turned around and then you were hugged tightly. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I know it was really mean." You said quietly. He just hugged you tighter. "I thought I had lost you and that someone was going to hurt you. It would have been my fault. I should have been awake to make sure you were okay the entire time." He said. You wiped the tears off his face and started apologizing again, over and over again. "Y/N," he said interrupting you. You looked up, you could instantly tell he forgave you and that made you smile a little. You saw him begin to smile but it was almost... nervous. And that made you nervous. Finally he said, "Will you be my girlfriend?" You were shocked and didn't answer right away which made him more nervous. "I understand if you don't want to go out with me." He said. You shook your head and he looked down, "Brooklyn, I would love to be your girlfriend." You said and he looked up smiling.

Mikey- You and Mikey were at the flat watching a movie together. You had your head on his shoulder and he had his arm around you. This was normal for you two. But this night was a little different. You could tell Mikey was constantly looking down at you and watching you. It didn't bother you much it just made you nervous. You felt like he had something to tell you and it wasn't going to be good. Finally towards the end of the movie you looked up and said, "What is it Mikey? What's wrong?" He instantly said, "It's nothing. You're just so beautiful." He said. Then his eyes got wide and he instantly started to blush. You giggled and then said. "Yes Mikey, I would love to be your girlfriend." He hugged you and you guys went back to watching the movie.

Jack- You had just walked into the boy's flat with Mikey. You two had gone out shopping together to get food for their flat and your own. You were glad that you could finally sit down. But instead of sitting on the couch, you walked straight to Jack's room. You were about to open the door when you heard talking. You hated eavesdropping but you didn't want to interrupt Jack's conversation. "I don't know how to tell Y/N that I like her. I mean she's amazing." Jack said and you instantly blushed. "Just tell her," Brook said. "But what if she doesn't like me. I mean she does deserve so much better than me," he said and you could hear the sadness in his voice. You couldn't help yourself anymore, you walked in and instantly hugged him. "I don't want anyone else. I only want you," you said to him.

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