Pregnancy (Before) -Brooklyn

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You were in the bathroom, throwing up, again. This has been going on for two weeks now. How you have been able to hide it from Brooklyn was still a mystery. You knew he'd make you go to the doctors and that was the last thing you wanted to do. You had so much other work to do there was no way you had time to be sick. You have been working with the boys, trying to get them ready for tour. You've been working with them, trying to make sure the songs that they have are down and perfect. In the studio almost everyday, or with them filming. Mikey must have noticed the other day, that you didn't look to well because he asked you if you felt alright. You told him you did and that you just felt tired. He nodded and proceeded to go back to work. Brooklyn hadn't said anything and that was good for you. It was easier for you to lie to the other boys then it was for you to lie to Brook. You stood up, in front of the sink and looked at yourself in the mirror. You honestly looked terrible, there were dark circles under your eyes and you looked extremely pale. You turned the water on and splashed some on your face. There was a knock on the door and you instantly knew it was Brooklyn. Who else would it be in your shared flat. You opened the door and Brook walked in kissing your cheek. You walked out and went and laid back in bed. Today was the one day you guys had nothing to do. After all the hard work you didn't have to be doing anything else. You had told them that you'd be editing today, but Mikey said that he could edit with Elvis. You were very grateful for that. You laid down, pulling the blanket up around you. Brook walked in not long after you had laid down, "Are you hungry?" he asked. You shook your head. You honestly were but you didn't want to throw up again. You didn't trust eating anything. You'd eat something later that day when you are feeling a bit better. It's always like that. Brook walked out of the room to get himself something to eat. You grabbed your phone and started scrolling through Insta, just looking for anything interesting. The smell of eggs started filling the room. Usually you didn't hate the smell but right now it made you feel so sick. You took the pillow and covered your face, hoping it would block out the smell but of course it didn't. It was already too late. You got up and went to the bathroom. You immediately threw up and you knew right then that today was going to be a hard day. Especially now that you and Brook are going to be staying here all day. How much longer were you going to be able to keep this hidden from him? You stayed in the bathroom till you were sure the smell was gone. You walked out and went back to your bed, laying down. Right as you were pulling the blanket back over you, Brooke walked into the room. He had his plate of food with him and he sat down next to you. You grabbed the remote and turned the tv. You turned on the show that you and him had decided to watch together. You were only on episode three of the first season but that's because you guys haven't had time to watch it. You guys watched an episode, then Brook got up to take his plate in the kitchen. You were able to make it through seeing his food and not throwing up from that. You just hoped you could make it a bit longer. After that, you could make it through the rest of the day and everything will be completely fine. There was a knock on the door and you could hear Brooklyn going to the door and opening it. The flat soon filled with many voices. There was a knock on your door and before you could answer, Mikey walked in. "What are you guys doing here?" you asked him. "Wow, I can't visit you guys?" he said. "Well, this is the only break anyone's had in awhile," you said. "Yes, and usually we are all together. This is the first time we haven't been. I missed you guys," he said sitting next to you. You sat up and leaned your head on Mikey's shoulder. This is how it always was between you both. Mikey always treated you like his little sister. You were treated like that from all the guys, well except Brook of course, but Mikey was the one that was always the most concerned. Always going to you to make sure you were alright, before anyone else can. You were surprised how long you could keep your sickness from him. The flat soon filled with another smell, this time worse than the eggs. "Oh, I hope you don't mind. Jack decided to make an early lunch," he said. You shook your head. Of course you didn't mind but it made you sick. Even the thought of food made you feel sick. You got up and went straight to the bathroom. You could hear Mikey behind you and you didn't even have to look at him to know he was worried. You threw up immediately. Mikey went over to you, moving your hair out of the way. Once you were done, you broke down. You didn't want anyone to see you like this. You had kept it a secret for so long and now, that's all ruined. Mikey would tell Brooklyn and everyone was going to be worried about you. "How long has this been going on?" Mikey asked you. "Two weeks," you responded. "Why didn't you tell anyone or go to the doctor?" he asked. "I've been busy. I didn't have time to go to the doctor and I didn't want anyone worried about me," you said. He pulled you into a tight hug. "You stay here. I'm going to talk to Brooklyn, alone, so no one else has to know right now. When I'm done, one of us is going to take you to the doctor and that's that. Do not argue about this because it's happening," he said and with that he let go of you and walked out. You waited for Mikey to come back in. You had sat there, on the ground for about five minutes. Brooklyn then walked in and over to you. Once again, you started crying. Brooklyn sat on the ground next to you and pulled you close to him. After you were done crying, he helped you up and then he picked you up. You asked him why and he said, "You're sick. You don't need to walk." You buried you face into his shirt while he carried you out. Once you got out to the car he set you down and helped you into the car. He drove to the doctors and you guys sat in the waiting room. Once the nurse walked out, you told Brooklyn that you could go in alone. He nodded and told you that if you needed him, he'd be right here. You walked back in and the nurse took your vitals and all that stuff. The nurse asked you several questions and you answered them all honestly, even though you didn't want to. The nurse walked out and not long after the doctor walked in. She asked you several more questions and you answered them. "Is there a chance you could be pregnant?" she asked. You froze. You hadn't even thought about that. There was a chance but there was no way. You could have know. But that would also explain why you felt better towards the afternoon. "T-There is a chance, but I don't..." you started and she interrupted you, "Well we can check that for starters and if you aren't, then we can go from there," she said. You nodded and she walked out of the room. What would Brooklyn think if you were? You haven't talked about a family with him at all. This could ruin your relationship. Neither of you had time for a child. But you knew, right then, that you could never give your child up. The child deserves a home, so if you were pregnant you'd make sure that it had a safe home. You'd find time. Family was more important anyways. If anything, you could always move back with your parents or your friend. She'd probably understand and help you the most anyways. You just hoped nothing would come to that. A nurse came in to get you so she could take the Ultrasounds. She brought you to another room and started. She smiled at you and said, "Congratulations." Everything else was a rush. You remember walking out into the waiting room. You didn't say anything to Brook, you just walked out to the car. He followed you of course. He didn't even try to push you to tell him what was wrong. He knew you'd eventually tell him or he'd find out soon. When he pulled up to the flat, you got up and went inside and straight to your room. You ignored everyone. You shut the door and instantly pulled out a suitcase. You could explain everything later, but you needed to be the one to leave. You couldn't have Brooklyn kicking you out. You started throwing your clothes in the suitcase and you had tears rolling down your cheeks. The door opened. You didn't turn to see who it was, they couldn't stop you. You have already decided on what you were doing. It'd save him the trouble. "What's going on? What are you doing?" Brooklyn said from behind you. "I-I'm leaving. What's it look like I'm doing?!" you said, a lot louder than you wanted to. Mikey was the next one at the door. He was soon followed by Andy, Rye, and Jack. Mikey told them to get out and he shut the door on them. Mikey went over to you and pulled you close to him. You instantly grabbed onto him and just cried into his chest. "What's wrong?" he asked and you couldn't stop yourself from telling him. "I-I'm pregnant," you said. Mikey looked over at Brooklyn. He was completely frozen. He looked almost like he was in shock. Mikey brought you over to him and moved you so you were in Brooklyn's arms. He said that you both needed to talk this over. He'd be right outside the door if either of you needed him. Then he walked out. After several minutes of silence, besides the sounds of you crying, Brook asked, "Why were you trying to leave?" "So it'd save you the trouble of kicking me out," you said. "Why would I kick you out?" he said and then paused, "It is my child right?" "Of course it is. I would never cheat on you," you said. He just held onto you tighter. "I'm not going to kick you out. It's my child too and I love you. I could never kick you out. We will figure everything out, together," he said. "I already know I want to keep it," you said. "And I wouldn't have expected anything else. We are both busy people but family is more important than anything else. We will figure everything out," he said. You nodded and buried you head back into his chest. He kissed the top of your head. "I love you so much," you said looking up at him. He made no response, he just kissed you. You knew everything would be alright. You were both in this together and you'd figure everything out. It may be a rocky road but you'd get through it all as long as he was by your side.

A/N: Brooklyn's is 2,007 words! Honestly so proud of myself and my Twin for stay on top of everything and making sure we are both getting what we need done, whether it's making sure the chapters are in order and we know what we're posting to writing or editing. We do what we can to make sure these chapters are good before you see them. I hope you see improvements as you go through the book. Once again thank you guys so much from reading!

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